夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第741期:非洲猪瘟导致猪肉价格飙升
日期:2019-11-07 18:08



China's top pig producers posted their highest-ever profits in the three months leading to September, as soaring hog prices more than compensated for losses resulting from African swine fever. The huge profits underline how the fatal pig disease, which has killed millions of hogs across Asia and left many small farmers bankrupt, has proved a major opportunity for the leading producers in the world's largest but highly fragmented hog sector. For large producers, even if they lost some sows to the disease, prices are so high now that they are still earning much more than before.

post vt. 宣布(announce)
highest-ever profit: 有史以来的最高利润
· 形容词最高级+ever: 有史以来的
· biggest-ever, longest-ever, youngest-ever
lead to: 直到……;到……(until, to)
soaring hog prices: 飙升的猪肉价格
more than: 多于,超出
compensate vi. 弥补,补偿( make up )
· Nothing can make up for the loss of a loved one.
Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.
result from: 因为,由……造成(because of)
underline vt. 强调,凸显
fatal adj. 致命的
· a fatal accident: 致命的事故
prove: 在这里相当于系动词be
· This accident proved fatal.
fragmented adj. 碎片的,分散的
· fragment: 碎片
sow n. 母猪

