夏说英语新闻晨读(MP3+文本) 第696期:英国T-level考试横空出世
日期:2019-09-09 07:48



Students who achieve the very top grade in their T-level qualification will have the equivalent of three A*s at A-level, it has been announced. University aissions service Ucas says a starred distinction will be worth 168 Ucas points - the same as three A*s, each worth 56 points. Those who are awarded a merit will have the equivalent of three Bs at A-level.

achieve vt. 取得成功,达到,获得
· He finally achieved success.
· a sense of achievement: 成就感
top grade: 最好成绩,最高分数
· grade 2 / second grade: 二年级
qualification n. 资格(尤其是通过考试或者学术研究而获得的资格)
· certificate n. 证书
· A has/have the equivalent of/to B =A be equivalent to B: A跟B对等
· Nodding your head has the equivalent of saying yes.
=Nodding your head is equivalent to saying yes.
Ucas: (Universities and Colleges Aissions Service) 英国高校招生服务处
starred adj. 星光熠熠的
distinction n. 优异;差异
· graduated with distinction/merit/pass: 以优异/良好/合格成绩毕业

