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音乐咖啡厅:Sophie Zelmani - How Different
日期:2018-12-24 06:37


歌曲:How Different

艺人:Sophie Zelmani


所属专辑:Memory Loves You




相关介绍: Sophie Zelmani的音乐:清脆的吉他合弦衬托着温暖甜美的歌声,恰如其分不喧宾夺主的鼓与贝斯,陪衬上彷如远方传来的萨克司风及逐渐贴近的长笛或小提琴悠扬旋律,传递出彷佛在冷飕飕的秋天夜晚漫步走在瑞典已然结霜的路上。

How Different
Artist:Sophie Zelmani

Sit down by my table

I'll let you sit lonely

If you've got a question

You are free to ask

If I had met you

When you still were growing

And not after all stories

And when you already

Have lived your life

I would have known

About your ferrows

And maybe about your loving

I could have seen in your eyes

If we had lost it yet

How different

It would have been

To have something to say

How good I would feel

To be with you today

Sit down by the table

Drink the wine

That's been aging

Lose your head into something

I'll be quiet

Like an old friend

How different

It would have been

To have something to say

How good I would feel

To be with you today

