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音乐咖啡厅:I love you always forever - donna lewis
日期:2008-09-29 10:29


歌曲:i love you always forever
歌手:donna lewis


Feels like
I'm standing in a timeless dream
Of light mists
Of pale amber rose
Feels like
I'm lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent
Touching discovering you
Those days of warm rains
Come rushing back to me
Miles of windless
Summer night air
Secret moments
Shared in the heat of the afternoon
Out of the stillness
Soft spoken words
Say say it again
I love you always forever
Near and far
Closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
I love you always forever
Near and far
Closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
You've got the most unbelievable
Blue eyes I've ever seen
You've got me almost melting away
As we lay there under blue sky
With pure white stars
Exotic sweetness a magical time
Say say it again
I love you always forever
Near and far
Closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
I love you always forever
Near and far
Closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
Say you'll love
Love me forever
Never stop
Never whatever
Near and far
And always and everywhere and everything
Say you'll love love me forever
Never stop never whatever
Near and far and always and everywhere and everything
Say you'll love love me forever
Never stop never whatever
Near and far and always and everywhere and everything
I love you always forever
Near and far
Closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you
I love you always forever
Near and far
Closer together
Everywhere I will be with you
Everything I will do for you

点击此次收听donna lewis成名曲:I Could Be The One倾我所有


Donna Lewis在威尔士的加的夫市出生并长大的唐娜从小就在以音乐和戏剧的著称的威尔士学院接受训练,主修长笛和钢琴。

毕业后的她首先开始在地方上以乐队和词曲创作上展示自己的才能。 以1990年,她的脚步已经遍布了英国和整个欧洲大陆的各大酒吧。她也组建了自己的工作室录制自己的demos,并且开始了一系列的巡回演出。

在1993年末的一场演出中,她给Atlantic Records的老板Chairman Doug Morris留下了深刻的影响,他邀请唐娜去纽约表演,并且邀请她灌制自己的唱片。

她包办词曲制作的首张专辑 -《Now in a Minute》 在1996年5月推出后引起了强烈的反响。 尤其是第一张单曲 《I Love You Always Forever 》瞬间成为全球热门,在各国的流行音乐排行榜上称雄。 在当时,此张单曲唱片成为美国销售量最大的单曲唱片,累计销量已经超过100万。

