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音乐咖啡厅:Ashley Tisdale - Love Me For Me
日期:2009-08-09 09:37



歌曲Love Me For Me

艺人:Ashley Tisdale





相关介绍:可爱金色的卷发和甜美的笑容,她就是《High School Musical》中Sharpay的扮演者Ashley Tisdale。
凭借在电影中的出色表现,Ashley Tisdale很快成为炙手可热的青春偶像,人气也是节节高升。不仅长相甜美而且声音也同样甜美的她在歌唱事业上也有发展,Last Christmas作为第一主打已经在圣诞节推出,在2007年2月将收录自己的*专辑《Headstrong》中。
《High School Musical》真的是一部很不错的青春歌舞片,每个演员的表演都很自然真挚,连反面角色都如此的讨人喜欢,里面的歌曲更加是出奇的好听。总之是一部适合全家人一起看的好电影》注:备受欢迎的迪斯尼频道原创电影《High School Musical》在美国创下了原创电影的最高收视率同时其原声唱片名列排行榜榜首,获得三白金销量。


Song:Love Me For Me
Artist:Ashley Tisdale

I\'m not the girl that you see in the magazine
Perfect face and perfect body
Never be anyone but the one I am, what I am
I can\'t bend to your expectations
Look to fulfill any fantasy
If what I am is what you need
Love me for me
And not for someone I would never be
Cause what you get is what you see
And I can\'t be anymore than what I am
Love me for me
Or don\'t love me
Don\'t think you\'re gonna change what\'s inside of me
Make me who you want me to be
Won\'t be someone I\'m not
Somebody else, someone else
Love me with all my imperfections
Not for an image of your design
Love me for what you see inside
Love me for me (love me baby)
And not for someone I would never be
Cause what you get is what you see
And I can\'t be anymore than what I am (no, no)
Love me for me (yeah, yeah)
And not for someone you wish that I could be
Cause what you get is what you see (What you see)
And I can\'t be anymore than what I am (no)
Love me for me
Or don\'t love me
I\'d never do anything to change you (to change you)
Or make you be anything than who you are (who you are)
All that I am is all that I can be
I love you for you
So love me for me
Love me for me (Yeah, Yeah) Or don\'t love me..
Love me for me
And not for someone I would never be
Cause what you get is what you see
And I can\'t be anymore than what I am (no)
Love me for me (love me)
And not for someone you wish that I could be
Cause what you get is what you see (Is what you see)
So love me for me
Or don\'t love me
Love me for me
Or don\'t love me


  • bendv. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从 n. 弯曲,弯曲物
  • headstrongadj. 顽固的,刚愎的,任性的