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音乐咖啡厅:Don't Ask Why-Vanessa Hudgens
日期:2009-04-09 11:04



美国演员和歌手的双栖明星瓦妮莎·安妮·赫金斯(Vanessa Hudgens)由于出演Disney频道的热门电影“High School Musical”并演唱电影主题曲而得名。随后,她还客串了“Drake & Jash”和“The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody”等多部影片。V出生在加利福尼亚州的Salinas,从小在圣地亚哥长大,很小她就开始舞台表演,8岁时就参加了音乐剧的演出,并在“Quintuplets”、“Thirteen”等多部戏剧和电影中出演角色。18岁后搬到了洛杉矶生活。在英国Kingsbrook大学学习了戏剧表演和声乐之后回到洛杉矶。2006年当电影“High School Musical”取得最佳销量唱片和青春直选奖项后,V也在那年夏天开始录制自己的新专辑,专辑“V”于同年秋天发行。随后的整个秋天和冬天,V都和“High School Musical”进行宣传时一样,与花豹少女组合(Cheetah Girls)一起进行专辑的巡演和宣传。


音乐咖啡厅:Gotta Go My Own Way白色情人节

《歌舞青春3》最新甜蜜对唱Can I Have This Dance


I remember the day I first met you
You really caught my attention
Didn’t know I was looking for a rescue
I wasn’t thinking that hard
Now and then I was there in the moment
I was ready for nothing
It doesn't mean that I really didn't love you
While I’m breaking your heart

Don't ask why
Before we get too close
Just let me say goodbye
It's easier this way
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question
And I die inside
Just let me walk away

I felt bad that I let my past hurt you
Cause I really didn’t mean to
I was lost, I was lucky you found me
But it all make out worse
Right now while you’re looking right at me
The emotion so scary
It doesn’t mean that I really don’t love you
When I’m making you hurt

Don't ask why
Before we get too close
Just let me say goodbye
It's easier this way (It's easier this way)
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question
And I die inside
Just let me walk away

And know I want this more than ever
I wish there was another way
You see, my words can only hurt you
Till the shadow fades away

Don't ask why
Before we get too close
Just let me say goodbye
It's easier this way (It's easier this way)
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question
And I die inside
Just let me walk away

Just let me walk away

Don't ask why
Before we get too close
Just let me say goodbye
It's easier this way (It's easier this way)
Don't ask why
Before you ask the question
And I die inside
Just let me walk away

  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪
  • draken. 公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drake fly)