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音乐咖啡厅:Driving Home for Christmas 圣诞经典歌曲
日期:2008-12-21 23:13



Chris Rea,吟唱诗人,蓝调摇滚乐手,吉他高人,在平淡中寻找真我,他有着磁性优美的低沉嗓音,布鲁斯风味的歌声诚挚感人,歌词简约平实充满玄机,像所有老掉牙的东西一样,旧日的情感总让人难忘,他的歌声也让人感怀。


Chris Rea -Driving Home for Christmas

I'm driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Well I'm moving down that line
And it's been so long
But I will be there
I sing this song
To pass the time away
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas

It's gonna take some time
But I'll get there
Top to toe in tailbacks
Oh, I got red lights all around
But soon there'll be a freeway
Get my feet on holy ground

So I sing for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get through
Oh and feel you near me
Driving in my car
I am driving home for Christmas
Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
Just the same

Top to toe in tailbacks
Oh, I got red lights all around.
I'm driving home for Christmas, yea
Get my feet on holy ground

So I sing for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get through
Oh and feel you near me
Driving in my car
Driving home for Christmas
Driving home for Christmas
With a thousand memories.

I take a look at the driver next to me
He's just the same
He's driving home, driving home
Driving home for Christmas.



Chris Rea

 1951年3月4日出生的Chris Rea 19岁接触吉他,在充满阳光欢乐气氛的意大利小镇长大,弹着手风琴的叔叔激发Rea对音乐的兴趣,曾在课堂上因一篇散文而与教师发生言语冲突,他带着挫败心情离开学校,就在好友播放Joe Walsh的蓝调专辑解闷之际,Rea鼓起勇气买了一把吉他,正式揭开音乐旅程,73年递补David Coverdale的位置,加入摇滚团Magdalene,乐团更名为The Beautiful Loser后虽赢得Melody Maker 75年最佳新进奖,但未能启动乐团知名度,Rea于77年离团单飞,就以Fool(If You Think It's Over)征服大西洋两岸乐迷,由于单曲市场反应随后变得清淡,Rea的摇滚心情在83年荡到谷底,幸好一连串欧洲巡回演唱会的回响,让Rea重建信心,又以单曲I Can Hear Your Heartbeat重新稳住欧洲市场,89年以「The Road To Hell」首度拿下英国专辑金榜冠军,缔创歌唱事业巅峰,而在度过冲击与挑战不断的90年代,Chris Rea在2000年以专辑「King Of The Beach」被英国乐界圈选为个人近十年的最佳专辑。
  1995年岁末发行的精选碟 The Very Best Of Chris Rea的酥醉元素精华,收有成名作Fool(If You Think It's Over)、个人生平最畅销的英国单曲Let's Dance、89年冠军专辑「The Road To Hell」中的同名标题曲The Road To Hell、Tell Me There's A Heaven、91年同名英国冠军专辑的标题单曲Auberge、Julia等席卷欧洲的小品佳作以及Ibiza舞池最受拥戴的超迷人的酷歌Josephine,还有重新灌录86年招牌作On The Beach, Chris Rea悠然的心情弹唱。

