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音乐咖啡厅:Kevin Rowe - Through It All
日期:2015-07-15 07:24


歌曲:Through It All

艺人:Kevin Rowe





相关介绍: Kevin Rowe在英国长大,从小就显现出了很棒的音乐天赋,自学成才了钢琴,十多岁的时候为自己作曲,还给其他的乐队写曲子,大学毕业获得了学校给予的最高音乐成就奖项.他的第一张专辑,2005年在他的家乡Basingstoke举办的演唱会上被抢购一空.有了很多歌迷的支持,Kevin Rowe便开始计划自己的录音室,并把自己的精力全身心的投入.....之后还有很多故事.

Song:Through It All
Artist:Kevin Rowe

Put another log on the fire
This night could be long
Watch the candles make the shadows dance
All over our walls
Reminiscing all the crazy days gone by
The good and the bad
Flicking through the pictures of our story
Look how far we've come
I guess our love has pulled through it all
With the world in our arms
The road is long and the nights seems so hard
But our love pulled through it all
Do you remember what we did last Christmas
We were broke, so we wrote each other notes
But then we counted all our savings
From the jar hiding in the back room
I got my first song played on a radio show
You couldn't keep my feet down on the ground
But it didn't make us any money
Talk about trying to leap out and come crashing down
I guess our love has pulled through it all
With the world in our arms
The road is long and the nights seems so hard
But our love pulled through it all
I guess our love has pulled through it all
With the world in our arms
The road is long and the nights seems so hard
But our love pulled through it all

