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音乐咖啡厅:Birdy - Lost It All
日期:2019-06-23 03:31


歌曲:Lost It All



所属专辑:Beautiful Lies (Deluxe)




相关介绍:一头微卷长发,自然散发出一抹超龄的气质,来自英国的漂亮女孩Birdy,超龄的醇厚嗓音中蕴藏无比穿透力,成熟态势中依附着孤傲灵魂,凝聚出难以言喻的绝对魅力。 Birdy在7岁即开始接触钢琴、8岁开始尝试音乐创作,国小六年级时就带着自创曲「So Be Free」一路过关斩将,赢得英国歌唱竞赛节目Open Mic UK之18岁以下分组冠军,顺利签下一纸合约。

Lost It All

Give a little time to me

Give a little trust and you'd see

Give a little piece of mind

You never know what you might find

Oh if this is what dreams are made on

Then I think that I've seen enough

Oh I've given you all of my love

But it's still not enough

You told me that you'd light my way

You're clever with the words you say

Led me out into the dark I took a little step too far

Oh if this is what dreams are made on

Then I think that I've seen enough

Oh I've given you all of my love

But it's still not enough

Oh it hurts lost control

Oh it hurts lost it all

It hurts sometimes sometimes

If this is what dreams are made on

Then I think that I've seen enough

Oh I've given you all of my love

Still not enough

A bitter heart you let me down

But you'll never lose

What you never found

