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音乐咖啡厅:美偶玉女Katherine McPhee新单温馨Terrified
日期:2010-05-10 10:02



《超市特工 Chuck》男星Zachary Levi还有演唱才华,他和《美国偶像 American Idol》亚军Katherine McPhee合作的单曲《Terrified》今日出炉,尽管Zachary的声音略有些弱,此歌还不错



You by the light Is the greatest find
In a world full wrong
you're the thing that's right
Finally made it through the lonely to the other side
You said it again, my heart's in motion

Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark,
And I'm in love and I'm terrified.

For the first time in the last time
In my only life. This could be good
It's already better than last
And love is worse than knowing
You're holding back I could be all that you needed

If you let me try You said it again,
my hearts in motion
Every word feels like a shooting start
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time in my only
I only said it cause i mean it
I only mean cause it's true
So don't you doubt what i've been dreaming

Cause it fills me up and holds me close
Whenever i'm without you
You said it again, my hearts in motion

Every word feels like a shooting star
Watching the shadows burning in the dark
And I'm in love and I'm terrified
For the first time in the last time
In my only life


Katharine McPhee
  年龄: 22(1984年3月25日)
  家乡: 加州 洛杉矶
  海选城市: 旧金山
  最喜欢的男艺人:Brian McKnight
  Katharine McPhee(凯萨琳麦克菲)凭藉著一副天生的好歌喉加上清新亮丽的容貌及幽默风趣的个性,在第五届的美国偶像歌唱选拔中获得评审们一致的青睐,同时也掳获了观众的心,虽然比赛结果屈居亚军,但她早已成为许多歌迷心中的"美国偶像"。
  凯萨琳在洛杉矶的郊区长大,两岁时就爱哼哼唱唱。她的母亲是音乐老师,很早就发现女儿的歌唱天赋,所以从小就开始训练栽培她。高中毕业后,她进入波士顿音乐学院就读。2005年夏天,凯萨琳报名参加美国偶像歌唱赛,第一次试镜时便搏得三位严厉评审的掌声和 赞许。2006年1月比赛正式开始,凯萨琳靠著雄厚的音乐底子一路过关斩将而歌迷人数也随著她的声势高涨而日益庞大。决赛当天,总投票数高达六千三百万票。凯萨琳现场演唱了全新单曲<My Destiny>,打动了所有观众的心。虽比赛最后由"Taylor Hicks"(泰勒希克斯)胜出,但凯萨琳虽败犹荣并在两周后与SONY BMG集团的RCA唱片公司签约。今年1月份发行她首张个人同名专辑《Katharine McPhee》。
