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日期:2009-08-20 23:26


Saybia来自日德兰半岛的另一个童话般的国度---丹麦,他们成军于1993年。Funen岛上的小城Nyborg的一班热衷英伦摇滚的青年造就Saybia。2001他们曾被评为“丹麦最受欢迎乐队”,或许那时MEW只是一支新军。不知道从他们专辑中仍然能隐约感受到brit-pop的影子,低沉的吟唱,和令人怦然心动的旋律,拨动着每个摇滚乐迷的心弦。或许有人吹毛求疵地认为他们是coldplay或是radiohead的衍生品,the second you sleep这张专辑将给予最有力的反驳。他们依然故我,从英伦风中找寻灵感,但音乐之中的却拥有更加丰富的色调,一方面继续北欧经典民谣传统,另一方面又吸取美洲摇滚的精邃,主唱Soslash;ren Huss意蕴忧远的哼唱,清澈的吉他声让你如同置身空旷的美洲大草原。如今,saybia音乐中,昔日的*被独自哀怜所取代,音乐中多了一丝沉静,特别是符尾部分,旋律变得更加清冷。轻松的节拍,意味深长的歌词,平缓的摇滚韵律饱含深情的暗示,源于主唱发自肺腑的演绎,和对乐器收放自如的把持,一切都成就这张令人难以置信的富有张力的专辑。

It's not the world that's out of order
It's me, it's me
Guess I ran along my borders
Just to see, just to see
If a friendly face would drop by and rescue me
But I lost my faith as I lost my way
It's not the street that's made of concrete
It's you, it's you
Guess I try to penetrate it with this point of view
I had never taken more than I give to you
I was led astray and I lost my way

Never felt so alone
Stripped naked and cold to the bone
Lost my faith being high on my own
With no queue by the door to my home

It's not the light that casts the shadow
It's doubt, it's doubt
As a melancholic sorrow came about, came about

I had never fought as hard though as I do for you
I'm not getting strong to prove I'm wrong

Never felt so alone
Stripped naked and cold to the bone
Lost my faith being high on my own
With no queue by the door to my home

And god sent an angel
An angel
She's an angel
An angel...
Never felt so alone
Stripped naked and cold to the bone
Lost my faith being high on my own
With no queue by the door to my home

God sent an angel
Sent an angel
She's an angel
An angel
She's an aaaa... an angel

It's not my life that's obsolete
It's youth, my youth
Guess it took a while for me to see the truth, see the truth
I got stuck in minor details so I missed the point
I got so much more than I bargained for...

  • penetratev. 穿透,渗透,看穿
  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援