And all this meat in one small area attract the scavenger, the short-faced bear. Led by his super sensitive nose, his long limbs carry him many miles a day in search of carrion. He's picked up a scent, but where's the carcass? Sometimes the smaller, speedier scavenger gets there first, on this occasion a coyote.
在这一小片区域的腐肉吸引来了短面熊,腐肉是它的主食 。凭借极度敏感的嗅觉和长长的前肢,短面熊为了寻找腐肉能一天行进数英里 。它闻到了气味,可肉在哪?有时,体型更小,速度更快的食腐动物能够更快找到腐肉,这次恰恰是一只丛林狼 。
Right now the short-faced bear will take whatever he can get. He hasn't had a decent meal in days, and needs at least one good-sized carcass every week to stay alive. This time the coyote's left him nothing but the skeleton. But with his huge, bone-crunching jaws, the bear can crack them open for the marrow locked inside.
现在,这只短面熊已经变得饥不择食 。它数日没有吃到一顿像样的了 。为了存活,它每周至少吃一只大型动物的尸体 。这次,这只丛林狼除了一个头骨什么也没有留下 。但是短面熊的巨掌能将骨头拍碎,它可以拍开头骨,吃到头骨里面的精华 。
With water so scarce elsewhere, animals from miles around converge here in the valley, which is good news for the local lions—their pride territory is now overflowing with food.
由于其他地区水源缺乏,几英里外的动物们纷纷聚集在这片山谷里,这对山谷里的狮子们来说是一件好事,因为他们引以为傲的领地中到处都是食物 。
Once the midday heat subsides, the females rouse themselves to hunt.
一旦正午的炎热过后,雌性狮子们便会出去觅食 。