日期:2011-10-21 10:51


昨天的石菊化石,是小编我Daisy的成果。今天,我可发现了新的大陆,那就是攀岩,这可是新开发的野外极限运动啊,你准备好了吗?Go! Go! Go!

When the ammonites became extinct, the map of North America looked completely different: to the north, the Canadian Rocky Mountains already existed; to the south, the American Rockies had yet to rise. The date of the ammonites' extinction holds a key to when they first emerged.

These animals died about seventy million years ago in the middle of the Western Interior Seaway. And so we know at that time about seventy million years ago that this site was below sea level. So we know then that the Rocky Mountains had to rise from that seaway sometime after seventy million years ago.

Today all that is left from the ancient seafloor are these fossilized remains high in the Colorado Rockies.

Next, geologists needed to find out what pushed the seafloor up. The investigation moves to these slabs of rock flanking the Rockies just outside Denver, Colorado. They are known as the Flatirons, and they are part of the same formation that make up the Red Rocks' amphitheater. These slabs of rock are unusual because they contain holes, holes that make the Flatirons appealing to climbers and geologists alike.

So when we go climbing in the Flatirons, we are climbing on really nice handholds, in some cases, handholds that have been formed either by the pebbles in the rock or by zones of fine grained material that are easily removed by erosion the shales and the siltstones. Those layers get removed, leaving a notch for the hands to go in, and it makes for fantastic climbing.

The holes are a clue as to how these strangely tilted Flatirons were formed.

The layers themselves, the different grain sizes in the layers the silt, the sand, the pebbles this tells us that these are sedimentary rocks.

Sediments form in water when sand and small pieces of rock settle on the ground. Over millions of years they get compressed into layers of rock.

小编有约:呵呵~~看看我给大家准备的礼物。A. Denver, Colorado B. Rock C. holes
答案就是 "Flatirons "。在地质学中,它是(熨斗状的三角形陡峻的)平顶脊,也叫熨斗形山,在现实生活中,它是熨斗,铬铁的意思。你猜到了吗?










注释:① extinct adj. 灭绝的,绝种的;熄灭的 vt. 使熄灭
1. If we continue to destroy the countryside many more animals will become extinct.
2. Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.

emerge vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露
1. Cultural differences also emerge in employee attitudes.
2. My sheep and cattle will emerge before your eyes.

remains n. 残余;遗骸
1. The remains of the supper were taken away.
2. In the high valleys, there are remains of glaciers, while below them are clear, icy lakes which the glaciers made.


1.When the ammonites became extinct, the map of North America looked completely different: to the north, the Canadian Rocky Mountains already existed; to the south, the American Rockies had yet to rise.


  【参考译文】石菊灭绝后,北美的这块土地看上去已经完全不同:在北边,加拿大的落基山脉开始形成,而南边,美国这部分的落基山脉尚未形成 。

  2. So when we go climbing in the Flatirons, we are climbing on really nice handholds, in some cases, handholds that have been formed either by the pebbles in the rock or by zones of fine grained material that are easily removed by erosion the shales and the siltstones.

  【结构简析】这句话可不短,我们就抓主谓宾,那就是"we are climbing "。这就是核心句子,其他的部分是说明"handholds"的,以及它的构成情况是怎样的。


  • emergevi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来
  • erosionn. 腐蚀,侵蚀
  • notchn. 刻痕,等级,峡谷 vt. 刻凹痕,用刻痕计算,计分
  • appealingadj. 引起兴趣的,动人的
  • extinctionn. 消失,消减,废止
  • unusualadj. 不平常的,异常的
  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • settlev. 安顿,解决,定居 n. 有背的长凳
  • cattlen. 牛,家畜,畜牲
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的