As North America emerged from the grip of the last ice age, the door was opened to outsiders for the very first time.
自从冰川时期末期开始,人们开始第一次踏上北美大陆 。
As these early immigrants pushed their way south, they found themselves in a land of an unimaginable opportunity, overflowing with game mammals, animals with no experience of humans or their weapons.
当这些早期移民向南迁移时,他们发现自己脚下的这片土地拥有难以想象的机会,到处都是哺乳动物,这些动物没有和拿着武器的人类相处过 。
The arrival of these hunters coincided with a time of great change of the plains.
随着猎人的到来,这个广袤的平原也迎来大变化的时期 。
Within the next few hundred/ years, many ice age animals vanished forever.
在接下来的数百年,许多冰河期动物永远消失了 。
So 13,000 years on, how do we know anything about this lost world? There are still clues to be found if you know where to look.
所以13000年过去了,我们怎么知道有关那个过去世界的一切?如果你想知道,还需要继续探索 。
In the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming is a hidden cave recreated here, where over the millennia thousands of animals have fallen to their death.
在怀俄明州的大角山是重建的一个隐秘的山洞,成千上万的动物在这里摔死 。
Preserved below the surface are bones dating all the way back to the ice age.
表面之下的骨头可以追溯到冰河世纪 。
Remains of bison lie alongside antelope and rabbit.
野牛的尸体躺在羚羊和兔子旁边 。
But they are mixed with those of camels, extinct horses, giant wolves.
和他们混在一起还有骆驼、灭绝了的马和巨型的狼 。