探索发现:明日世界 Extreme Tomorrow(19)
日期:2012-08-22 11:50



But how could we do that?
"So my inspiration was to use light. I could build a time machine based on light."
Doctor Mallet wants to use high energy lasers to stir the very fabric of time.
"Imagine that the skate park is my time machine and Garret is a laser beam. As Garret is moving around, he is moving the space around me and this energy of light that is causing space and time to become twisted. "


"Once I understood that principle and the theory based on it, then I realized that what was necessary with the builded equipment."
Doctor Mallet first hopes to prove his concept by building a mini-time machine for subatomic particles."
"It would look something like cylinder with intersecting laser beams."
The time machine itself will be small, very small.
"The device itself is going to have to be about the width of a human hair."
Now he plans to drop a subatomic particle into the swirling vortex of light.
"What will we do is to send particles that are very short lived."
"A millions of a second. When we send these particles in, it will change their life time and that will tell us the time has been changed."
A quantum particle may not be a human time traveler. But that doesn't discourage Doctor Mallet.



  • beamn. 光线,(光线的)束,(横)梁,桁条 vt. 用梁支
  • inspirationn. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)
  • cylindern. 汽缸,圆筒,圆柱体
  • principlen. 原则,原理,主义,信念
  • lasern. 激光,镭射
  • fabricn. 织物,结构,构造 vt. 构筑
  • devicen. 装置,设计,策略,设备
  • discouragevt. 使气馁,阻碍
  • stirn. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱 vt. 激
  • swirlingn. 漩涡;涡流 adj. 打旋的 v. 打旋;眩晕;使