A lone wolf weighs as much as four coyotes,
but one on one it's still no match for a bison.
但是一对一,狼还是敌不过野牛 。
Wolves, though, live and hunt in packs of up to 15
and when they launch a cooperative attack, they're devastating.
只要同心协力发动攻击,将会无往不利 。
First they get the bison on the run, then filter out the weak
and vulnerable and select the perfect target.
在挑选完美的目标 。
Striking together, wolves can bring down prey many times their own size.
群起而攻的狼群,可以绞杀打他们数倍的猎物 。
A million such chases must have taken place across these plains
and we can still find echoes of these distant life-or-death encounters.
我们仍然可以发现这些远古生死际遇的回生 。
Not all evidence lies locked in bone and rock.
并非所有证据都封存在骨头或石头中 。
These pronghorn antelopes among the great survivors of the ice age reveal a lot about the distant past.
这些叉角羚也是雄奇的冰河期生还者之一,揭示着许多远古的记忆 。
As well as being tough enough to stand extremes of temperature, they're famous for their speed.
他们坚毅强悍,足以撑过极为严寒的气温,并以它们的速度闻名 。
A sprinting pronghorn can top 60 miles an hour and cruise at 30 for several hours.
飞奔中的叉角羚时速可快达60英里,还能以30英里的时速续跑数个小时 。
This kind of speed requires a very finely tuned physique.
这样的奔驰速度需要非常优越的完美体格 。
Pronghorn have a massive heart and run with their mouths gaping open,
叉角羚拥有巨大的心脏 。奔跑的时候,长大着嘴,
forcing extra air into their huge lungs.
吸入更多的空气进入巨大的肺部 。
But what's the point? No predator can run this fast.
重点何在呢?没有掠食者能跑这么快 。
Even the wolves can only manage 40 miles an hour.
就连狼跑起来最快也只有时速40英里 。
So why do pronghorn feel this need for speed?
This is why—once there was a predator here that could outrun the pronghorn a cheetah.
这就是答案: 这里曾经有过一种掠食者,可以追的上叉角羚和猎豹 。