The store of pollen paints a picture of the plains of 13,000 years ago,
花粉纷纷扬扬聚集,勾画出1300年前的大平原 。
a picture that looks very different from the open prairie grassland of today.
同今日辽阔的草原相比,当时的景象则截然不同 。
But why did this region look so different back then?
The ice sheets to the north, although retreating 13,000 years ago, still dominated the climate here.
尽管1300年来冰层不断北移,但该区仍属冰原性气候 。
It was much milder and wetter than today, ideal conditions for woodland to flourish.
气候甚至更为湿润,也更利于林木茂密生长 。
This is how much of the northern plains must have looked when the first people arrived.
这也许是第一批来到此处的人类在北方草原看到的景象 。
Not open prairies as it is now, but a parkland of trees and grassy meadows.
当时这里并不是平原,而是稀树高原和茂密的田野 。
This is a relic of those times. The Osage orange.
这是桑橙树,是一种经历过以前那种气候,一直存活至今的树木 。
Every autumn it produces these enormous fruits, huge numbers of them, more the size of great fruits than mere oranges.
每年秋季这种树就会结出大量果实,而且果实的个头比普通的橘子要大很多 。
But there's no animal alive today that's big enough to pick and eat them, so this bump of crop just rots.
但现今生存的动物身躯不够庞大,无法采摘和食用这些果实,所以这些果实只能烂掉 。
The Osage orange glory days are long gone.
桑橙树繁盛的时代已经过去 。
But its harvest was once an annual feast for many ice age animals, including mammoths.
曾经每年桑橙树收获果实的季节,对冰河世纪许多动物来说是一场盛宴 。
Fruit must have been a real treat for these grass eaters.
比如说猛犸象 。对猛犸象这样的食草动物来说,水果无疑是美食 。