The Osage orange seeds were carried far across the plains,
before being deposited, pre-packed in their fertilizer growbags, ready to take root.
它们在重新觅得肥沃的居所之前就已经做好了生根发芽的准备 。
As the ice age waned, the milder climate and the mixed vegetation
meant the plains were able to support a range of wild life as diverse as Africa Serengeti today.
这意味着该平原已经拥有了像今日的塞伦盖蒂平原一样的野生动物承载力 。
There were at least five kinds of horse, including a wild ass,
and another that resembled modern zebra, and North America's very own antelope—the pronghorn.
和其他与现代斑马形似的物种,以及北美独有的羚羊和叉角羚 。
13,000 years ago, several different species roamed the plains.
一万三千年前,这个平原上奔驰着许多不同的物种 。
The pronghorn lived alongside other grazers still around today, including bison.
叉角羚曾经与像今日仍旧存活的野牛那样的其他食草动物共伴而生 。
This animal was common, too. But now it would seem very out of place.
野牛在过去也很普遍,只是与今日的有很大差别 。
Bigger than its modern relatives, the ice age camel was extremely hardy,
able to eat almost any kind of food.
几乎能吃任何食物 。
Elk, like many ice age animals, survive almost unchanged.
和其他冰河时代动物一样,麋鹿几乎没太大变化 。
The rich parkland was ideal for these large deer.
肥美的操场是这些大型鹿类的理想居所 。
But one creature more than any other has remained a constant symbol
of the plain since people first set foot here, the bison.
仍存活至今的其他物种都更具代表性,那就是野牛 。
Adult bison are formidable, two meters tall and weighing more than a ton.
成年野牛非常健壮,有两米高,体重超过一吨 。
They too sheltered near the trees in winter,
taking to the plains again in spring when new grass started sprouting.
在青草再次抽芽的春季重新现身于平原之中 。