日期:2011-11-01 16:50



After the Rockies emerged from the sea, it took them 10 million years to rise. Sixty million years ago, they reached spectacular heights of 28,000 feet, rivaling the Himalayas today. The deep history of the Rocky Mountains is beginning to take shape.

A weak line in the crust explains why the Rockies rose 500 to 1000 miles inland. Fossil leaves show that the young Rocky Mountains were once nearly twice their size. Half of the rock that formed them originally has vanished. Scientists are now trying to unravel the processes that cut them down to the size they are today.

One hundred million years ago, a vast inland sea covered the area where the American Rockies stand tall today. Seventy million years ago, the sea retreated as the Rockies began to rise. Sixty million years ago, the Rocky Mountains reached their pinnacle, towering into the sky with peaks over 28,000 feet high, rivaling the Himalayas.

Since then, the entire mountain range has lost nearly half its height. Geologists investigating the history of the Rockies are trying to discover what happened to the billions of tons of rock that went missing. The investigation starts with a mystery at the Owl Creek Mountains in the Wyoming Rockies. The Mountains are sliced by a river that has formed a deep canyon.

"Well, the Wind River is very perplexing. It chose to take a straight path right through the core of a major mountain range. This is not the way that rivers normally act. Usually it will take the easiest route which is a downhill. But this river cut right through a major mountain range and has been a mystery. It is a very perplexing issue to early geologists in the region."

This river led to confusion as early as 1806 when Marry Whether Louis and William Clark mapped the area during their famous expedition to explore uncharted territory.

小编有约:哦,本期的听力中有一个非常著名的“刘易斯与克拉克远征”,Daisy简单介绍介绍,刘易斯与克拉克远征(Lewis and Clark expedition,1804年–1806年)是美国国内首次横越大陆西抵太平洋沿岸的往返考察活动。领队为美国陆军的梅里韦瑟·刘易斯上尉(Meriwether Lewis)和威廉·克拉克少尉(William Clark),该活动是由杰斐逊总统所发起。大家应该猜到,由总统发起的,一定是想夺得这里的土地啦!呵呵~~具体详情就自己查啰。

课后题目:Daisy想让大家自己了解了解美国的地理,你能告诉我,文中出现的“ Owl Creek Mountains”在美国哪里吗?它有什么特征呢?

呵呵~~答案就是" The investigation starts with a mystery at the Owl Creek Mountains in the Wyoming Rockies. The Mountains are sliced by a river that has formed a deep canyon. "它在文章的哪一段呢?找找看哦!Daisy也查了一些这里的图片,真的很漂亮。你也可以动手看看这里的图片。



一亿年前,有一个巨大的内陆海,它的范围正好覆盖住整个美国落基山脉。70000万年前,海水退去,落基山脉开始上升。早在6000万年前的洛基山脉,已经达到自己的巅峰,超过28000英尺高的山峰,与喜马拉雅山脉不相高下。(注明喜马拉雅山最高峰 珠穆朗玛峰 29,017.16英尺)




注释:① emerge vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露
1. My sheep and cattle will emerge before your eyes.
2. Consensus did not emerge from a compromise between individual preferences.

cut down v. 削减;砍倒;杀死;删节;胜过
1.The article is too long and should be cut down by half.
这篇稿子太长, 得砍去一半。
2. Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.

cover vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及 n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物
vi. 覆盖;代替
from cover to cover 从头至尾
under cover 隐藏着;秘密地
cover up 掩盖,盖住
cover for 代替
cover with 覆盖
1. The front cover of the novel has been torn off.
2. The pretty girl on the cover of the book is just a sales gimmick.
3. Snow covered the ground.


1. The deep history of the Rocky Mountains is beginning to take shape.

  【结构简析】 Daisy认为这个句子,可以说明中西方的语言特点。“形合”和“意合”是已故语言学家王力先生所译。形合指句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用句法手段(syntactic devices)或词汇手段(lexical devices)。意合指“句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用语义手段(semantic connection)”(方梦之,2004)。印欧语言重形合,语句各成分的相互结合常用适当的连接词语或各种语言连接手段,以表示其结构关系。汉语重意合,句中各成分之间或句子之间的结合多依靠语义的贯通,少用连接语,所以句法结构形式短小精悍。像本句中的"is beginning to " 就是很好的例子,来说明落基山脉的历史从这里开始。

  【参考译文】 同时落基山脉悠长的历史也开始了。

  2. Sixty million years ago, the Rocky Mountains reached their pinnacle, towering into the sky with peaks over 28,000 feet high, rivaling the Himalayas.

  【结构简析】这句话中,有两个现在分词" towering " 和 "rivaling",做伴随状态来说明落基山脉的情况。


  • gimmickn. 暗机关,小发明,花招,噱头 vt. 用暗机关改变或
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • perplexingadj. 使人困惑的,麻烦复杂的 perplex的现在分
  • cattlen. 牛,家畜,畜牲
  • canyonn. 峡谷
  • unchartedadj. 地图上没标明的
  • mysteryn. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物
  • emergevi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来
  • territoryn. 领土,版图,领域,范围
  • coren. 果心,核心,要点 vt. 挖去果核