日期:2011-11-25 13:39



落基山国家公园 位于科罗拉多州的落基山国家公园成立于1915年,占地415平方英哩,三分之一的园区位在林线以上,并且包括了78个海拔超过12000尺的山峰;其中最高的是久久峰(Longs Peak),高达14255尺。公园里自成一个完整的生态体系,不论海拔高低,到处都可见到野生动物的踪迹,像是麋鹿、长耳鹿(mule deer)、土狼(coyote)、角鹿和大角羊等等。此外贯穿大峡谷的科罗拉多河,也是在此地发源。

Seventy million years ago, a great inland sea disappeared and the Rocky Mountains emerged from the seafloor. Sixty million years ago, they reached their peak height, twice what it is today. Then for millions of years, the Rockies slowly eroded away to half their original height until 3 million years ago, another dramatic chapter in their story began that would transform them into the Mountains we know today.

Geologist and photographer Bob Anderson takes to the air. He is looking for clues that will tell him how the Mountains have evolved. First he flies over Boulder Canyon in the Colorado Rockies. It is an area that has remained almost unchanged over millions of years.

"So this is Boulder Canyon we are flying up right now. And you can see how the river has in size maybe a few hundred feet down into otherwise relatively rolling terrain."

The mountain peaks that existed on the young Rocky Mountains were rounded off as rivers and streams eroded the rock.

"It's this rolling terrain that the landscape look like in the aftermath of the mountain building event that ended about 50 million years ago."

But as Anderson climbs higher to Longs Peak in the Rocky Mountain National Park, the terrain changes. Instead of rolling hills, there are rugged mountains with steep and jagged cliffs. It's evidence that another force has been at work.

The most famous of these cliffs is the Diamond. Named for its shape, it's a vertical wall with a sheer 900 foot drop. The summit about 45,000 square feet is the same size as a football field.

"Well, we are flying beside, ur, Longs Peak, one of the biggest climbing challenges in the Rockies. For a century, it's been a climbing Mecca. It's a gorgeous, intact piece of rock."

This awesome wall is the most difficult climb in the whole of the Rockies. And since it was officially open to climbers in 1960, has claimed over 50 lives.




呵呵~~答案就在"It's this rolling terrain that the landscape look like in the aftermath of the mountain building event that ended about 50 million years ago."看看在文中的哪里?仅供参考!

七千万年前,一个巨大的内陆海消失,然后落基山脉从海底浮出。6000万年前,落基山脉山顶的高度是今天的两倍。 数百万年前,落基山脉一点点的开始慢慢侵蚀掉自己原来近一半的高度,然而直到300万年前,落基山脉故事中另一个戏剧性的章节拉开了帷幕,把落基山脉转变成我们今天所看到的山。






这些悬崖中最有名的是钻石悬崖。由于它的形状与笔直的墙面垂直居然能有900英尺, 更奇的是,顶点约45,000平方尺,就像一个足球场的大小。 所以就叫它钻石悬崖。


这堵可怕的墙是整个落基山脉最难攀登的山峰。 因为自从1960年正式开放后,有超过50人葬送于此。


注释:① disappear vi. 消失;失踪;不复存在
vt. 使…不存在;使…消失

1. If the sun were to disappear, what would the earth be like?
2. Red squirrels disappear inside trees, frogs go deep under the mud, and many other animals dig tunnels in the earth.

emerge vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露
1. New problem emerge as they discus further.
2. A multitude of heroic figures emerge.

aftermath n. 后果;余波
1. Life was much harder in the aftermath of the war.
2. If one delays cutting till an advanced state of maturity, aftermath growth will be slow.


1. The mountain peaks that existed on the young Rocky Mountains were rounded off as rivers and streams eroded the rock.

【结构简析】"rounded" 是形容词圆形的;丰满的;全面的的意思。在这里off 是离开;脱落的意思,所以就可以翻译成瘦,因为是山峰的形状,所以可以译成瘦骨嶙峋。

【参考译文】 在落基山脉的山峰显得那么的瘦骨嶙峋,原因是河流和溪流不停地侵蚀着这里的岩石。

2. Instead of rolling hills, there are rugged mountains with steep and jagged cliffs.

【结构简析】"rolling hills"变成了"rugged mountain","instead of "后面接比较的成分。


  • summitn. 顶点;最高阶层 vi. 参加最高级会议,爬到最高点
  • diamondn. 钻石,像钻石的物质,菱形,纸牌的方块,棒球内场 v
  • heroicadj. 英雄的,英勇的,巨大的
  • maturityn. 成熟,(支票等的)到期
  • photographern. 摄影师
  • sheeradj. 纯粹的,全然的,陡峭的 adv. 完全地,峻峭
  • intactadj. 完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的
  • terrainn. 地带,地域,地形
  • jaggedadj. 锯齿状的,参差不齐的 动词jag的过去式和过去
  • steepadj. 陡峭的,险峻的,(价格)过高的 n. 陡坡