Oh we are experimenting at carbon fiber, carbon nanotubes so as to make them lighter, stronger and faster.
欧,我们正在用碳化纤维做实验,以便使喷气背包变得更轻,更强,更快 。
Jet turbines have become more efficient and lighter and more powerful.
喷气涡轮已经变得更高效,更轻便,更加强大 。
Strapping on a jetpack would be like strapping yourself to front of a Coupe van,
because it is like putting 800 horsepower attached to your body.
因为这就像是把800马力赋在你身体里 。
A jetpack is actually a hydrogen peroxide rocket.
喷气背包实际上就是一个过氧化氢火箭 。
When hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with silver, it creates super heated steam.
当过氧化氢与银接触就会发生反应,生成大量的热蒸汽 。
Powerful enough to launch you skyward.
其能量之大足以将你发射到天空 。
The problem is today’s jetpacks can fly for only 45 seconds before running out of fuel.
But tomorrow’s jetrockets will be far more practical.
但是未来的喷气背包将远比现在实用 。
We are going to a turbine system, our flight times will get up to 5 minutes as a main goal.
我们将采用汽轮机系统,这样我们飞行的时间就能达到5分钟,这是我们的主要目标 。
Five-minute flight right now will take you probably from Boulder to Denver which is approximately 20 miles.
飞行五分钟的路程大约有20英里,相当于从博尔德到丹佛 。
And then hopefully in the future it will go a lot further and a lot longer than that.
未来很有可能飞得更远,比现在远得多 。
Twenty-two-minute flight could take you from, an example would be, Fort Collins to Denver which will be a 65-mile flight.
飞行20分钟的路程大约是65英里,相当于从柯林斯堡到丹佛 。
In the future, I can see people buying jetpacks to commute back and forth to work 'cause it is so much easier.
在将来,人们会买喷气背包,乘它来上下班,因为这更方便 。
You don't have to worry about the traffic;
and you can fly directly from work to your yard, almost like you had a helicopter.
而且你可以从公司直接飞到家里的花园里,就像你有一架直升飞机一样 。
Right now jetpacks are for daredevils. They fly below parachute height.
目前,喷气背包只适用于敢铤而走险的人 。他们在低于降落伞的高度上飞行 。
So if they malfunction, you risk certain death. Controlling this personal rockets is also a challenge.
万一遇到降落伞失灵,那么就会必死无疑 。控制这单人喷气背包也是一大挑战 。
But Strauss and Widgery believe these problems will soon be solved. And all of us will be taken to the air.
但Strauss 和Widgery相信,这些问题都将很快得到解决 。所有人都能被带到天上 。
The feeling of flying this machine is like jump off the ground and not have to come back down.
驾驶这种机器感觉就像是从地面跳起,但不会落下来 。
But jetpacks won’t come cheap. Their expected price, 226,000 dollars, including training.
然而喷气背包可不便宜 。算上培训费的话,一套装置有望要价22万6千美元 。
You know in 30 years you could probably get one 50-60 grand like you picked up a Hummer or a Mercedes for.
要知道,30年后你可能只花5到6万美元就能买到悍马或者奔驰 。
And it would be a lot cooler on the way to work for sure.
毫无疑问,用那种方式上班会更酷一些 。