日期:2011-09-21 15:00



您去过大名鼎鼎迪士尼(Walt Disney)乐园吗?如果没有,现在稍微弥补一下吧,本期节目带你来一次激动人心的迪士尼之旅。迪士尼乐园(Disneyland,正式全名为Disneyland Park),是一个位于美国加州安纳罕市(Anaheim)的主题乐园。由华特·迪士尼一手创办的迪士尼乐园是由华特·迪士尼公司(The Walt Disney Company)所创立与营运的一系列主题乐园与度假区中的第一个。迪士尼乐园于1955年开放,吸引了众多小朋友和成年人。内有许多迪士尼人物,如米老鼠,及迪士尼电影场景。园内设施也经常更换。原来在一个人工湖内,可以乘潜艇看到真人扮的美人鱼,但因扮演卡通人物的员工工作条件不适应长期在水下,所以后来改成了假的美人鱼。园内曾一度有座很高的假雪山,人们可以坐缆车从中间穿过,但也已经退出了历史舞台。1990年代,又在同样的地址,扩建了迪士尼加州冒险乐园(Disney's California Adventure),而原本的迪士尼乐园,新设立的加州冒险乐园,与周围一系列相关设施(包括几座配合乐园而设置的观光旅馆),则共同组成迪士尼度假区(Disneyland Resort)。

There's so much to see at Walt Disney World, but there are some things they won't allow you to see. Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes? Believe it or not, there are ways to get into the areas of Walt Disney World. One of the most popular ways is the keys to the kingdom program at the Magic Kingdom. This half-day experience takes visitors into restricted areas all over the park.

Here we are at the Haunted Mansion. This attraction, as you take a look at it, looks like it's probably the least taken care of attraction.

Disney's Keys to The Kingdom tour is an experience that we offer in the Magic Kingdom every day. The tour guide is able to share hidden treasures about the park. You might learn something about an attraction that you may have never seen before or have never known to even look for. We also take them right up close into the attraction, so they can find out some of the secrets behind what we do.

The guides, in their smartly pressed blue plaid costumes, are obviously well-informed on all sorts of subjects related to the Magic Kingdom, from general points of fact to some things a little more hidden.

Do you know there are hidden mickeys on the inside as well as on the outside?

Hidden what?

One of Walt Disney World's biggest and most debated secrets is the hidden mickey. What is a hidden mickey?

A hidden mickey is subtle tribute to mickey mouse hidden in any of the Disney parks, or now hotels or shops. Typically, it consists of three circles--the large head and the two small ears.

Hidden mickeys are actually hidden images left in our parks. Most of the time by imagineers, the people that create our parks, as kinda ways to represent their own work.

The imagineers have cleverly concealed these mickey mouse symbols all over Walt Disney World. Inside and outside

attractions, facades, even bathrooms, but no official record of them exists. How many can you find?

Every year, millions of people navigate their way through Walt Disney World, armed with their maps and their plans for the day. But did you know there's another way to do it? Disney offers special V.I.P. Tours. But the is not limited to the privileged. You can get your own V.I.P. experience on your very next visit.



①backstage ②privilege

  • limitedadj. 有限的,被限制的 动词limit的过去式和过去
  • privilegen. 特权,特别恩典,基本人权,荣幸 vt. 给特权,免
  • navigatevi. 航行,驾驶,操纵 vt. 航行,驾驶
  • restrictedvt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的
  • concealedadj. 隐蔽的,隐匿的
  • mansionn. 大厦,豪宅,楼宇
  • tributen. 贡品,颂词,称赞,(表示敬意的)礼物
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • resortn. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借 vi. 诉诸,常去
  • symbolsn. 符号;象征;标志;符号表(symbol的复数)