Not only are they moving, but they are flying away from earth at incredible speeds. This was the first real evidence of the Big Bang.
星系们不仅仅是在移动,而且是在以惊人的速度飞离地球 。这是支持大爆炸宇宙学的第一个有力证据 。
All galaxies on average are moving away from us, and stranger still, those that were twice as far away were moving twice as fast.
基本上所有的星系都在远离我们,也包括未知的星体 。距离我们两倍远的星体,以两倍的速度在退移 。
And those that were three times as far away, were moving three times as fast and so on. Everything was moving away from us.
那些距离我们三倍远的物质,以三倍的速度退移,如此类推 。
It became known as Hubble's Law. His discovery is still the starting point for exploration of the Big Bang.
这就是著名的哈勃定律 。直到现在,他的发现仍然标志着大爆炸学说的开端 。
What Hubble convincingly demonstrated by seeing the motion of those galaxies is that the universe is expanding.
这条定律是哈勃通过观测星体的退移所得,充分证明了宇宙膨胀论 。
Theoretically, an expanding universe must have started from a single point.
理论上说,膨胀的宇宙开始于一个体积小,密度超大的粒子 。
By measuring how fast the universe is expanding, astronomers calculated backwards and figured out when it burst into life.
通过测量宇宙膨胀的速度,天文学家计算往后推算,计算出了大爆炸的发生时间 。
People ask the question, how do you know that the universe is 13.7 billion years old.
有人会问:你们怎么知道宇宙开始于137亿年前 。
I mean, smarty-pants, you weren't there 13.7 billion years ago.
我是说,你们是在自作聪明,137亿年前你可不在这里 。
Well, when you watch television on video tape, you hit the stop button when you see an explosion, and you could run it backwards and see when it actually took place.
不,打个比方,看录像的时候,遇到爆炸的画面,按下回放键,录像就会回放,你可以看到爆炸是何时发生的 。
The same thing takes place with cosmology. We can run the video tape backwards and then calculate when it all came from a cosmic explosion.
研究宇宙学也是如此 。我们可以倒带回放,然后计算宇宙大爆炸开始的时间 。
You don't have to be an astronomer to look back in time.
不是天文学家,你也可以观望到过去的时间 。
If you gaze up at the night sky, you're seeing stars that are millions of light years away, meaning it took the light from those stars millions of years to get here.
凝望夜空,你看到的星星离你有百万光年的距离,也就是说,这些星星的发出光要经过几百万光年才能抵达这里 。
So, if you look far enough, you should be able to see the beginning of the universe.
因此,如果观测得足够远,就会看到宇宙的开始 。
Named for the ground breaking astronomer, the Hubble Space Telescope allows us to look deep into the universe, back in time and closer to the moment of the Big Bang.
以这位河外天文奠基人物命名的哈勃望远镜能帮助我们深入得窥测宇宙,回望过去的时间,越来越接近爆炸的瞬间 。
But for scientists, winding back the clock to the Big Bang was only the first step.
但是对科学家来说,把时钟拨回到大爆炸只是第一步 。