Larger than any lion alive today, this would have been an awesome predator. These caves were probably its winter den.
冰河时代的狮子比当今任何一种狮子的体型都更加巨大,他们曾是一种可怕的捕猎者 。这些山洞便可能是他们冬天的洞穴 。
With such abundant game down on the plains, this hunter's life must have been pretty good.
能在平原上进行大量的捕猎游戏,这些狮子的生活一定十分惬意 。
Sheer size and power and the benefit of life within a pride made it the unmatched ruler of the plains. By looking at the lions of Africa today, we can imagine how these ice age cats once lived in small prides based around a group of hunting females.
无可比拟的体型和力量,良好的生存条件 。这些因素使这些骄傲的狮子成为了美洲大平原的绝对主宰 。看看今天的非洲狮,我们能够想象,在冰河时代,这些被一群雌性环绕的猫科动物是如何骄傲地生活的 。
Like wolves, lions work together to win larger prey. After a leading hunter launches the attack, the others move in, helping to dispatch the victim with a suffocating bite. But even for these rulers of the plains, the good life had to end. They would be toppled by another predator with even sharper skills.
和狼一样,在追捕大型猎物时,狮子们也进行团队合作 。领头的狮子首先发动袭击,随后其他的狮子也参与其中,扑到猎物身上并给与致命一击 。但是,即使是平原上的主宰,他们的美好生活也不得不结束了 。人类以更为强大的捕猎技能取代了他们的地位 。
The ice age lions joined the list of victims, animals that had lived here for hundreds of millennia, but were soon lost forever.
冰河时代的狮子是人类活动的受害者之一,许多在美洲大平原上生活了数千年的动物很快都永久地消失了 。
Today few signs remain that any of them were ever here. Odd traces scattered far and wide across the plains. But if we piece together bones and teeth, plant fragments and the clues from animals alive today, we can begin to bring a lost world back to life.
如今,证明这些动物曾在美洲大平原活动的痕迹已寥寥无几 。这些稀有的痕迹遍布平原各地 。但是如果我们把这些骨骼,牙齿,植物碎屑以及从存活着的动物身上得到的线索拼凑到一起,我们便能将这个遗失的世界重新带入我们视野 。