探索发现:明日世界 Extreme Tomorrow(7)
日期:2012-07-20 18:26



We've allowed hands that are either as simple as a hook for doing heavy work or hands that actually have fingers like a human hand that could do complex dexterity functions."
At home, your Exoskeleton will help you with all sorts of manual labor. They will also let paralyzed and elderly people walk, even climb mountains. Eventually, this steel strong man may even go climbing by himself.
"It’s possible in the future that the Exoskeleton could not have the person in the cavities, but series of electronic systems and senor systems. So it actually becomes an autonomous robot."
Just how autonomous will these super strong robots become? Could they conceivably organize themselves into an army and turn against us? They will be a formidable enemy. Friend or foe, the Exoskeleton embodies our hopes and fears about tomorrow’s robots.
"I think it's a window on the future. And it’s a matter now of just finishing the project."
Owning a robot, especially a super-strong one is just one science fiction fantasy that may soon come true. What about having the power many of us have fantasized about-the power of X-ray vision.
"X-ray vision obviously comes from superman. He just had the magic power to look right inside of anything, except for lead."
George Stetton is the inventor of the sonic flashlight—a device that puts the power of X-ray vision in the palm of your hand.
George Stetton是声控手电筒的发明者,这种装置将X射线视觉搬到人们巴掌大的手上Sf=9TooGDJC~Y^C
"You can look at your muscles, and tendons, and veins and your heart. It’s a very simple concept. It has an ultrasound probe and it has a little display, mounted on the ultrasound probe and a little mirror."
The flashlight works by superimposing the image captured by the ultrasound onto what you are seeing on the outside. The process is called augmented reality. It’s capable of showing features up to six inches beneath the skin.



  • dexterityn. 灵巧,机敏,手艺
  • proben. 探针,探测器,调查,查究 v. 用探针测,详细调查
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • displayn. 显示,陈列,炫耀 vt. 显示,表现,夸示
  • manualadj. 手工的,体力的 n. 手册,指南,键盘
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • capableadj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的
  • complexadj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的 n. 复合体,综合体,
  • devicen. 装置,设计,策略,设备
  • organizev. 组织