现在大家流行使用智能手机,频繁地用手机发短信,上网,打游戏,照相。可是据统计,使用手机打电话聊天的人现在反而越来越少,手机原有的电话功能渐渐变得不那么重要了。这也让我想到一个习惯用语。那就是:fall by the wayside。
Wayside意思是路边,fall by the wayside整个词组跟道路其实没什么关系。它的意思是终止,不在继续下去了。就像上面的例子中,智能手机用户越来越依赖于手机的其他功能,而打电话的功能用得人反而越来越少了。The population of folks talking on a phone appears to fall by the wayside more and more. 下面例子里的这个人从小就想当建筑师,他能不能从事自己理想的职业呢?我们来听一听:
例句-1:From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has fallen by the wayside. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching.
为现实被迫放弃自己的梦想真是无奈。我的一个邻居就面临特别现实的问题。她是一名图形艺术家,可是随着电脑技术的发展,普通人只要使用电脑技术就能绘制各种图形,她也就很难找到工作了。The need for her products and services fell by the wayside, 她所提供的产品和服务,对消费者来说已经越来越没有吸引力了。
上面我们讲到fall by the wayside有停止的意思。在下面的例子中,一名餐厅老板要谈谈扩建餐厅的计划,让我们来听听看:
例句-1:No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we're determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren't going to allow them to fall by the wayside.
这种态度很积极正面,肯定会帮助餐馆老板成功的。话说,我最近有个朋友失恋了,他的态度特别悲观,对所有事情都失去了兴趣。As a result, his sales number are falling by the wayside. 他的销售业绩大副下降。其实想开了,没有什么过不去的坎儿。