例句-1:Honey, I know I've tried to stop before. And I didn't have the willpower to stop for more than a month or two. But this time I'm going to lick the habit even if it kills me!
这里lick the habit意思是克制戒除这习惯。
在习惯用语lick the habit里面, lick的意思是克制。在下面的下面的习惯用语里,lick有类似的意思: lick somebody good。 Lick somebody good常常用在运动比赛中,说击败某人。我们听个例子。这是一所大学的足球队教练比赛开始前正在振奋他球队的士气,对方球队跟他们积怨很深,他鼓励队员击败他们。
例句-2:Okay, listen to me, men. If we use our heads and hit those guys as hard as we can, we'll lick them good today and get even for the way they beat us last year.
这里的lick them good意思是狠狠打败他们。
例句-3:I hate to say it but Joe isn't worth a lick. He can't hold a job, so he just lies around home all day drinking beer, watching TV and complaining about the rest of the world.
听来Joe是个懒散,不思上进,无所事事的人,所以他说: Joe isn't worth a lick。意思是他这人毫无价值。
Not worth a lick解释为“毫无价值,” 那么下面的词组是什么意思呢? not have a lick。刚才那位先生要告诉我们他的另一位妹夫Oscar。这位妹夫跟前一位大不相同,Oscar学识过人,是个原子物理学博士,名牌大学的教授,但是在日常琐事上却笨得出奇,既不会上街购买食品,也不能修理家用器具,更不善管理个人帐目。总之极端缺乏生活常识。好,我们听他说说这位Oscar。
例句-4:Sure, Oscar has all this education. But he doesn't have a lick of common sense -- he can't change a flat tire on his car or drive a nail straight through a board to save his life.
从Oscar不会处理那些日常事务的例子听来,他极其缺乏生活常识,所以说: he doesn't have a lick of common sense。意思是他一点儿生活常识都没有。