今天我们要学的习惯用语恰恰跟她的信条相吻合。那就是:slippery slope. Slippery是打滑的意思;slope是斜坡。不言而喻,a slippery slope打滑的斜坡,意思是越来越糟。
你现在一定明白了,为了我以前的老板Sue眼睛里揉不进一粒沙子。在她看来,迟到一次不纠正,then you were on a slippery slope. 以后就会越来越糟。
例句-1:I realize when my 12 year-old took a bottle of perfume from a store without paying, she was shoplifting. But that doesn't mean she's heading down a slippery slope towards a life of crime. She understands the seriousness of what she did. And she promises never to steal again.
我同意这个父亲的看法,只要让孩子了解问题的严重性,以后不犯就好了。但是有些事情,则万万不能开先例。比如说,我家狗还小的时候,老公觉得它可爱,让它进卧室更我们一起睡,我当时就警告他,we are on a slippery slope. 结果被我不幸言中,如今狗大了,可是再也赶不出去了。
例句-2:The citizens are divided over whether to allow an amusement park to be built in our historic town. Supporters argue that it will bring entertainment and a needed source of tax revenue. Critics say we'd be getting on a slippery slope. Before long, they contend, we could expect more and more traffic problems, and undesirable development. As they see it, our community's quality of life would eventually be destroyed.
这倒让我想起我的一个邻居。他坚决主张公民有权拥有枪支,反对任何限制枪支的立法。在他眼里,it's a slippery slope. 用不了多久,政府就会全面禁枪。