昨天我看了一部很不错的电影。情节很棒,画面优美,音乐动听,而且里面每个角色的表演都可圈可点。这让我想到一个习惯用语:across the board. Across the board 的意思是“全面地,整体地”。在我刚才提到的影片中,the performances were excellent across the board, 所有演员的表演都非常出色。 在生活中,取得整体的成功或进步并不容易。下面这段话中的学生就取得了这样的成绩。我们来听一听:
例句-1:Last semester, I encouraged Julie to work harder in order to get better grades. She certainly took my advice. She just showed me her report card and she's made dramatic improvement. Not just in one or two classes, but across the board. Amazingly, she's made progress in every subject.
这段话是说:上个学期,我鼓励Julie在学习上再加把劲儿,提高成绩。她真听话。刚才她给我看了成绩单,进步太显著了! 而且,她的进步并不局限在一两门课上,而是整体进步。她各门成绩都大幅度提高,真让人刮目相看。
成绩全面进步的确让人高兴! 不过,如果遇到prices go up across the board, 物价全面上升;或者taxes increase across the board, 全面加税,那可就是坏消息了!
例句-2:Since it was the employees in our department that saved the company so much money, we assumed that we were the only ones getting salary increases. Not true. The CEO approved them across the board. He believes all the divisions should be rewarded for our recent success.
这个公司主管的做法就是英文里说的"to share and share alike" - 平均分配。毕竟,公司的成绩也是大家整体配合取得的。不过要是我,我会给立功部门一些额外的奖励,让他们觉得自己与众不同。