昨天我朋友跟我说,她打算去佛罗里达墨西哥湾的海边渡假!大家都还记得去年墨西哥湾的原油泄漏事件,结果让原本是旅游圣地的佛罗里达游客量锐减。不过我朋友告诉我,现在清理工作已经完成,那里的旅游业正在慢慢复苏。这让我想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:bounce back.
Bounce, 这个词本身是“弹回”的意思,而bounce back作为一个词组意思是“恢复原状,复苏”。我们可以说,this region starts to bounce back after the oil disaster. 这个地区在漏油灾难之后渐渐恢复过来。Bounce back 也可以用来形容人。我们来听听下面这个例句:
例句-1:Grandma's fall on the ice last winter resulted in a badly broken leg. She spent months in a cast. Then she underwent weeks of physical therapy. Now her doctors say she can resume normal activities. Nobody could be happier than Grandma that she's finally bounced back.
是啊。老人身体恢复健康不容易。去年我爷爷得了感冒,足足过了两个月才痊愈。My grandpa finally bounced back after two months of coughing. 我爷爷的咳嗽足足两个月才好。
其实,bounce back除了指身体恢复健康以外,也可以指情绪上,情感上的恢复。在下面这个例子里,我们来听听Carlos跟女朋友分手后做了什么:
例句-2:Some guys have a hard time getting over a break-up with a girlfriend. That's not the case with Carlos. He doesn't get depressed or become withdrawn. In fact, no sooner does he end one relationship than he begins another. He bounces back quickly.
这也太快了吧! 或许是卡洛斯提出分手的。He doesn't need a lot of time to bounce back after the breakup, 他分手之后很快就能恢复过来。我们看到,bounce back可以用来形容很多种情况,比如说: 财政困难之后的经济恢复,身体复原,或者情感上的恢复。