我一个朋友找了份新工作。公司的条件可好了,薪水高,待遇好,办公楼里就有专为雇员准备的医院、健身房和幼儿园。说心里话,我真有些嫉妒这个朋友! 不过,我也想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:be all and end all。
Be all and end all,意思是“顶尖的,最好的”。Where my friend is going to be working strikes me as being the be all and end all, 我觉得,我朋友的工作待遇简直是好得不能再好了。不过,我朋友自己很谦虚,并没有把自己的好工作逢人就讲。
例句-1:My sister-in-law is constantly boasting. She doesn't know anyone who has better parenting skills. Supposedly, she's exceptionally devoted and nurturing. If you ask me, she's not the be all and end all. Many moms care just as much about their children. They're also much more humble about themselves.
要我看,带孩子就要有耐心,有爱心,尊重孩子,虽然it is not the be all and end all checklist for good parenting, 这不是教育孩子的“必杀技”,但总算也是个大原则吧。
例句-2:The Ironman Triathlon consists of nearly 4 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of biking and 42 kilometers of running. And it must be raced in that order without a break within 17 hours. Most athletes consider it the be all and end all of sports competitions. They don't know of any event that's tougher.
如果您有兴趣,铁人三项赛每年都在美国的夏威夷举行,您可以去参加,挑战自己的体能极限。我就算了,去夏威夷悠闲地度假才对。那里有自然美景、温暖气候和超级海滩,难怪Hawaii is the be all and end all for many tourists,夏威夷是很多游客最爱的去处。