As for your initially meagre vocabulary, don't be shy about substituting an English word into your muttering—
but look up the equivalent as soon as you can. (If you have a smart speaker, their "How do you say ‘tree' in Spanish?" features are rather good.)
但要尽快查找这个不会的单词 。(如果你的语音助手够聪明,那么它们的“‘树’这个单词用西语怎么说”功能相当不错 。)
Keep a list of handy new words on your phone, ideally in a flashcard app. Two more tricks might help you learn more of them.
在你的手机上保存一个方便查看的新单词列表,最好放在一个闪卡应用程序中 。另外两个技巧可以帮助你学到更多 。
A frequency dictionary has thousands ordered not by the alphabet but how often they are actually used:
this quickly gives you the few dozen critical, functional words that glue a language together.
这样你很快就能找到几十个关键的功能词,它们把一门语言粘合在一起 。
To enhance your vocab, Memrise is another app that uses spaced repetition to drive words home.
增强你的词汇量,可以用Memrise,另一款使用间隔重复来记忆单词的应用 。
New ones are repeated insistently until they stick, then occasionally thereafter as reminders.
新的单词会被不断地重复,直到你记住它们,然后偶尔再重复,以此来提醒自己 。
As soon as you can string a few sentences together, study in quarantine offers a consolation:
a lot of language teachers are at home, too, and only a video-call away.
许多语言教师也在家,只要一个视频电话就行 。
For example, Sara, an Italian tutor in the Piedmont region, says her teaching hours have exploded.
例如,皮埃蒙特地区的意大利家庭教师萨拉说,她的教学时间激增 。
Italki is a platform that links teachers and students for surprisingly low hourly rates;
casual conversation practice is especially cheap, formal instruction slightly pricier.
随意的对话练习尤为便宜,正式指导要稍微贵一些 。
Find a highly rated teacher and struggle through a half-hour's conversation, shame-free.
找一位评价很高的老师,在半小时的谈话中打磨,不觉得难为情 。
They can use the chat function of video-call apps to write down words that elude you or that you haven't understood.
他们可以使用视频通话应用程序的聊天功能,写下你听不懂或不理解的单词 。
Afterwards you can add them to your flashcards.
然后你可以把它们加到你的单词卡里 。
Finally, there is reading and writing. Keeping a journal can force you to write clearly those tricky bits you've been mumbling,
最后是读写 。写日记可以迫使你把模糊不清的部分写清楚,
making you confront half-learned material. As for reading, graphic novels are good for a realistic conversational style.
让你直面半知不解的材料 。至于阅读,图画小说的现实会话风格很棒 。
And for no-nonsense written prose, find articles in the new language on Wikipedia on a subject you know well.
至于严肃的书面文章,在维基百科上找一些新学语言的文章,文章要选择你非常熟悉的主题 。
Being able to guess unfamiliar terms gives a heartening sense of progress. Browser extensions can make looking up words a snap.
能够猜出不熟悉的术语会给人一种进步的鼓舞人心的感觉 。浏览器扩展可以让查找单词变得轻而易举 。
Just doubleclick a word with Google Translate enabled on Chrome, for example.
例如,只要用Chrome上的谷歌翻译双击就能查询单词 。
There is no way to learn a language without time and effort. What technology does is make that effort pay off faster.
学习一门语言是不可能不花费时间和精力的 。科技能做的是回报更快 。
Just remember the goal—interacting with native speakers in the flesh. You'll be out in the world again one day.
只用记住这个目标——与母语人士面对面交流 。总有一天,你将重回这个世界 。
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