有声读物《暮光之城•暮色》第165期:第十章 审问(17)
日期:2013-09-17 17:10



I was miffed. "Phoenix is three times bigger than Seattle — just in population. In physical size —"


"But apparently," he interrupted me, "your number wasn't up in Phoenix. So I'd rather you stayed near me." His eyes did that unfair smoldering thing again.


I couldn't argue, with the eyes or the motivation, and it was a moot point anyway. "As it happens, I don't mind being alone with you."


"I know," he sighed, brooding. "You should tell Charlie, though."


"Why in the world would I do that?"


His eyes were suddenly fierce. "To give me some small incentive to bring you back."


I gulped. But, after a moment of thought, I was sure. "I think I'll take my chances."


He exhaled angrily, and looked away.


"Let's talk about something else," I suggested.


"What do you want to talk about?" he asked. He was still annoyed.


I glanced around us, making sure we were well out of anyone's hearing. As I cast my eyes around the room, I caught the eyes of his sister, Alice, staring at me. The others were looking at Edward. I looked away swiftly, back to him, and I. asked the first thing that came to mind.


"Why did you go to that Goat Rocks place last weekend… to hunt? Charlie said it wasn't a good place to hike, because of bears."


He stared at me as if I was missing something very obvious.


"Bears?" I gasped, and he smirked. "You know, bears are not in season," I added sternly, to hide my shock.



与图书题目相得益彰的是,“暮光之城”系列别具匠心的封面设计则很好地传达出了每本书内在的深远寓意。斯蒂芬妮·梅尔指出《暮色》封面上的苹果代表“创世纪” 内善恶树上的禁果。象征贝拉和爱德华之间人类与吸血鬼禁忌的爱恋。在书的开头引用了“创世纪”217页的内容:“只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定死。”这同时也代表了贝拉如何分辨善恶——选择是否吃下那颗禁忌的果实,这比喻了选择跟爱德华在一起或远离他


1. It was a moot point. 这没有意义。

2. as it happens 碰巧;偶然发生

3. in the world 在世界上;到底

4. the first thing that came to mind 想到的第一件事

  • swiftlyadv. 迅速地,敏捷地
  • annoyedadj. 恼怒的;烦闷的 v. 使烦恼;打扰(annoy
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • populationn. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数
  • sternlyadv. 严格地,严肃地,坚定地
  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目
  • interruptedadj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断
  • incentiveadj. 刺激的,鼓励的 n. 刺激,鼓励,动机