听笑话学英语:A Weighty Matter 重量事宜
日期:2015-09-14 09:11


Keke Funny Moment


127.A Weighty Matter


Somewhat sceptical of his son's newfound determination to become Charles Atlas, the father nevertheless followed the teenager over to the weight-lifting department, admiring a set of weights.
儿子最近决心要成为Charles Atlas,对于这个决定,父亲多少有点怀疑,不过他还是陪着儿子去了举重器材商店,在那里他们看上了一套举重器材。
"Please, Dad," pleaded the boy, "I promise I'll use 'em every day.""I don't know, Michael.
It's really a commitment on your part," the father pointed out."Please, Dad?" the boy continued.
"They're not cheap either," the father came back.
"I'll use 'em Dad, I promise. You'll see.
"Finally won over, the father paid for the equipment and headed for the door.From the corner of the store he heard his son yelp, "What! You mean I have to carry them to the car?"
