听笑话学英语:Mad at her computer 她生电脑的气
日期:2010-10-11 10:34


[00:07.38]Listen and Share
[00:10.32]Mad at her computer 她生电脑的气
[00:25.69]impaired 受损的
[00:29.08]animatedly 活跃的
[00:37.49]The community college where my ex-husband teaches
[00:40.56]is next door to the North Carolina School for the Deaf.
[00:44.62]One day he entered the computer lab
[00:46.76]and noticed a hearing-impaired student signing away animatedly
[00:52.58]-- but, it seemed, to no one in particular.
[00:55.89]He asked her interpreter if the student was okay.
[00:58.89]"Oh, she's fine," said the interpreter. "She's just swearing at her computer."
[01:39.32]The community college where my ex-husband teaches
[01:42.40]is next door to the North Carolina School for the Deaf.
[01:50.49]One day he entered the computer lab
[01:52.70]and noticed a hearing-impaired student signing away animatedly
[02:04.45]-- but, it seemed, to no one in particular.
[02:09.63]He asked her interpreter if the student was okay.
[02:18.12]"Oh, she's fine," said the interpreter. "She's just swearing at her computer."
[02:40.63]export, external
[02:45.93]ex-husband, ex-prisident
[02:52.74]exanimate 无生气的
[02:54.86]excaudate 无尾的
[02:57.95]impaired 受损的
[03:07.24]sign away 签字后放弃或离开
[03:11.20]sign 打手势
[03:25.10]animatedly 活跃的,精力旺盛的 / 手舞足蹈,动作激烈
[03:36.08]swear 发誓,宣誓和诅咒
[03:43.98]swear at
[04:03.43]The community college where my ex-husband teaches
[04:06.48]is next door to the North Carolina School for the Deaf.
[04:10.48]One day he entered the computer lab
[04:12.57]and noticed a hearing-impaired student signing away animatedly
[04:18.55]-- but, it seemed, to no one in particular.
[04:21.66]He asked her interpreter if the student was okay.
[04:24.88]"Oh, she's fine," said the interpreter. "She's just swearing at her computer."

  • interpretern. 译员,口译者,解释程序
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • externaladj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的 n. 外部,外