听笑话学英语:Better hire a bodyguard最好请个保镖
日期:2010-02-25 13:12


Better hire a bodyguard

[00:07.25]Listen and Share
[00:09.93]Better hire a bodyguard 最好请个保镖
[00:24.98]willies ['wiliz] 焦虑不安
[00:28.11]valuables ['væljuəbl] 贵重物品
[00:31.66]evaluate [i'væljueit] 评估
[00:34.73]be open to 对...开放的
[00:41.25]Guns always gave me the willies.
[00:43.62]But when my new job required me to transport valuables,
[00:47.51]I decided I needed one for protection.
[00:50.49]Since I knew next to nothing about firearms,
[00:53.23]I joined a pistol club, hoping to pick up some much-needed pointers.
[00:57.93]After watching and evaluating my technique for a few weeks,
[01:01.75]the instructor pulled me aside.
[01:03.80]"Are you open to a suggestion?" he asked.
[01:06.75]"Absolutely," I replied.
[01:09.12]"Hire a bodyguard," he said.
[01:55.03]Guns always gave me the willies.
[02:00.71]But when my new job required me to transport valuables,
[02:04.26]I decided I needed one for protection.
[02:12.80]Since I knew next to nothing about firearms,
[02:15.74]I joined a pistol club, hoping to pick up some much-needed pointers.
[02:27.32]After watching and evaluating my technique for a few weeks,
[02:31.12]the instructor pulled me aside.
[02:38.70]"Are you open to a suggestion?" he asked.
[02:44.68]"Absolutely," I replied.
[02:49.75]"Hire a bodyguard," he said.
[03:12.23]The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.
[03:22.24]valuables 贵重物品
[03:26.45]Mary kept her valuables in a safe.
[03:32.88]next to nothing 差不多没有, 几乎没有
[03:38.36]next to impossible 几乎不可能
[03:41.07]next to the lowest 第二低的
[03:47.60]evaluate 评估、评价
[03:50.77]The research project has only been under way for three months,
[03:54.73]so it's too early to evaluate its success.
[04:06.10]be open to 对...开放的, 接受…的,易受到、易招致
[04:12.10]be open to an offer 愿意考虑买主的出价
[04:15.98]be open to criticism 接受批评
[04:19.37]be open to conviction 能接受意见,服理
[04:29.54]Guns always gave me the willies.
[04:31.75]But when my new job required me to transport valuables,
[04:35.78]I decided I needed one for protection.
[04:38.77]Since I knew next to nothing about firearms,
[04:41.34]I joined a pistol club, hoping to pick up some much-needed pointers.
[04:45.62]After watching and evaluating my technique for a few weeks,
[04:49.60]the instructor pulled me aside.
[04:51.75]"Are you open to a suggestion?" he asked.
[04:54.84]"Absolutely," I replied.
[04:57.11]"Hire a bodyguard," he said.

枪总是让我胆战心惊。但当我的工作需要我去运送贵重物品时,我觉得我真的需要一把枪来防身。 因为我对武器几乎一无所知,我参加了一家手枪俱乐部,希望学到一些必备的枪械知识。 经过数周对我的技巧的观察和评估后,教练把我拉到一边。“愿意接受些建议吗?” “没有任何问题,请讲”我回答。 “请个保镖吧”教练说。

  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • pistoln. 手枪 vt. 用手枪射击
  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • bodyguardn. 警卫员,保卫人员,保镖
  • convictionn. 定罪,信服,坚信
  • evaluatevt. 评估,评价
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • techniquen. 技术,技巧,技能
  • transportn. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒