听笑话学英语:Annual performance review年度绩效评审
日期:2010-02-21 13:34


Annual performance review

[00:07.30]Listen and Share
[00:10.72]Annual performance review 年度绩效评审
[00:28.58]aggressive [ə'gresiv] 积极的
[00:31.60]annual ['ænjuəl] 每年的
[00:34.88]overbearing [ˌəuvə'bɛəriŋ] 专横的
[00:38.79]shrug [ʃrʌg] 耸肩
[00:43.82]My good friend is more aggressive at work than she realizes.
[00:47.64]After she had her annual performance review, I asked, "How did it go?"
[00:52.11]"They had written that I was overbearing,"
[00:54.80]she replied with a shrug. "I made them take it off."
[01:28.05]My good friend is more aggressive at work than she realizes.
[01:36.67]After she had her annual performance review, I asked, "How did it go?"
[01:45.54]"They had written that I was overbearing,"
[01:48.13]she replied with a shrug.
[01:53.06]"I made them take it off."
[02:00.57]aggressive 积极的、过分自信的、有进取心的
[02:12.19]aggressive 盛气凌人、咄咄逼人
[02:20.95]Martin is too aggressive.
[02:28.45]annual 每年的,一年一次的
[02:31.82]年度报告 annual report
[02:34.39]年收入 an annual income
[02:37.81]overbearing 专横的、态度跋扈的、傲慢的
[02:43.85]overbearing = over + bearing
[02:51.69]over 超过
[02:53.58]bearing 负担、承重
[02:56.40]overbearing 超过所能承受的程度,负担过重
[03:03.06]I made them take it off.
[03:10.24]shrug 耸肩,提高肩膀
[03:16.94]冷漠、无奈、 不耐烦、怀疑、厌恶等情绪
[03:27.62]My good friend is more aggressive at work than she realizes.
[03:31.44]After she had her annual performance review, I asked, "How did it go?"
[03:36.03]"They had written that I was overbearing,"
[03:38.53]she replied with a shrug. "I made them take it off."

我的好朋友并没有意识到她在工作上是如何的咄咄逼人! 当《年度绩效评审》拿到手后,我问她,“评审报告怎么写的?”

  • shrugn. 耸肩 v. 耸肩
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • overbearingadj. 傲慢的,骄傲自大的,蛮横的
  • aggressiveadj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的