听笑话学英语:Ethics: Coming Soon道德(规程):即将推出
日期:2010-03-23 15:42


Ethics: Coming Soon

[00:28.68]impose [im'pəuz] 强加
[00:32.13]relieve [ri'li:v] 减轻
[00:35.90]ethic ['eθik] 道德规范
[00:41.23]As a new federal employee,
[00:43.13]I felt a combination of excitement and anxiety
[00:46.61]about meeting the strict standards of discretion
[00:49.93]and respect that our government imposes on its workers.
[00:53.24]Fearful of making a costly mistake,
[00:55.88]I decided to read up on procedures and standards
[00:58.96]on the federal Office of Personnel Management web page.
[01:02.04]I'm not sure if I was relieved or worried
[01:04.79]when I clicked on one page and found:
[01:07.25]"Ethics: Coming Soon!"
[01:50.67]As a new federal employee,
[01:53.35]I felt a combination of excitement and anxiety
[01:56.65]about meeting the strict standards of discretion
[01:59.47]and respect that our government imposes on its workers.
[02:13.63]Fearful of making a costly mistake,
[02:16.47]I decided to read up on procedures and standards
[02:19.54]on the federal Office of Personnel Management web page.
[02:30.82]I'm not sure if I was relieved or worried
[02:33.41]when I clicked on one page and found:
[02:35.78]"Ethics: Coming Soon!"
[02:52.11]discretion 良好的判断和对常识的运用
[03:06.60]impose 强加,强行,强制
[03:10.45]New tax was imposed on farmers(农民们被强加新税)
[03:15.33]impose 非自愿的,由于权力的影响,不得不的做
[03:23.99]relieve 减轻,解除
[03:26.50]someone is relieved
[03:28.77]someone feels relieved
[03:36.88]ethic 道德规范
[03:39.13]social ethics(社会道德)
[03:41.63]business ethics(商业道德)
[03:50.92]As a new federal employee,
[03:52.87]I felt a combination of excitement and anxiety
[03:56.13]about meeting the strict standards of discretion
[03:59.00]and respect that our government imposes on its workers.
[04:02.92]Fearful of making a costly mistake,
[04:05.45]I decided to read up on procedures and standards
[04:08.55]on the federal Office of Personnel Management web page.
[04:11.87]I'm not sure if I was relieved or worried
[04:14.45]when I clicked on one page and found:
[04:16.69]"Ethics: Coming Soon!"

作为一名新的联邦政府雇员,我心情复杂,既兴奋又焦虑,因为要达到政府为他们的工作人员定下的严格的言行标准并非易事。 害怕犯下会造成重大损失的错误,我决定好好读一下《联邦办公室工作人员管理》网页上面的规程和标准。 当我点开一个页面时,我不确定我是担心还是松一下气,上面写着:“道德(规程):即将推出”。

  • relievedadj. 放心的,放松的,免除的
  • imposev. 加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)
  • ethicsn. 道德规范
  • relievev. 减轻,救济,解除
  • strictadj. 严格的,精确的,完全的
  • anxietyn. 焦虑,担心,渴望
  • personneln. 职员,人事部门
  • fearfuladj. 担心的,可怕的
  • costlyadj. 昂贵的,代价高的
  • employeen. 雇员