听笑话学英语:I'm not a newsboy我不是送报的
日期:2010-03-03 16:57


I'm not a newsboy

[00:07.50]Listen and Share
[00:15.72]I'm not a newsboy 我不是送报的
[00:30.06]freelancer [fri:'lɑ:nsə] 自由职业者
[00:33.67]deposit [di'pɔzit] 取钱
[00:36.55]stack [stæk] 一堆
[00:41.37]Freelance newspaper writers don't get
[00:43.53]nearly as much attention as writers with regular bylines.
[00:47.32]So I was delighted when I finally got some notice.
[00:50.77]It was at the bank, and I was depositing a stack of checks.
[00:55.51]"Wow," said the teller,
[00:56.91]reading off the names of publishers from the tops of the checks.
[01:00.46]"You must deliver a lot of papers."
[01:40.22]Freelance newspaper writers don't get
[01:42.19]nearly as much attention as writers with regular bylines.
[01:54.52]So I was delighted when I finally got some notice.
[02:00.98]It was at the bank, and I was depositing a stack of checks.
[02:07.99]"Wow," said the teller,
[02:09.40]reading off the names of publishers from the tops of the checks.
[02:19.64]"You must deliver a lot of papers."
[02:32.04]freelancer 自由职业者
[02:42.78]byline 报纸或杂志文章标题下面作者的署名
[03:01.37]stack 一堆
[03:03.70]a stack of 大量的
[03:06.54]a stack of work to do
[03:15.73]自动提款机 ATM
[03:17.60]Automatic Teller Machine
[03:26.03]Freelance newspaper writers don't get
[03:27.93]nearly as much attention as writers with regular bylines.
[03:32.08]So I was delighted when I finally got some notice.
[03:35.59]It was at the bank, and I was depositing a stack of checks.
[03:40.03]"Wow," said the teller,
[03:41.32]reading off the names of publishers from the tops of the checks.
[03:44.98]"You must deliver a lot of papers."

报纸的自由撰稿人得到的关注并不象专职写手们的那样多,因为他们的文字作品印刷时会有附着个人资料。 所以,当我最终得到一些关注时,我感到很高兴。 那次我去银行,要存一大叠支票。“哇”,当出纳员读着支票票面顶端位置上写的发行商名字时,不由得惊呀地叫了一声,“你一定送了很多报纸了”。

  • withdrawvt. 撤回,取回,撤退 vi. 退回,撤退,走开
  • bylinen. (报刊等的文章开头或结尾)标出作者名字的一行