日期:2010-03-21 11:46



[00:07.16]Listen and Share
[00:14.81]Equal-opportunity 平等机会
[00:28.74]spirit ['spirit] 精神
[00:32.01]making the rounds 绕圈子
[00:36.57]tease [ti:z] 捉弄
[00:39.96]spare [spɛə] 宽恕
[00:44.96]One Friday everyone in our office was in high spirits,
[00:49.21]and Marshall, a sales rep, was making the rounds,
[00:52.46]joking and teasing us all.
[00:54.28]When he stopped in front of a new employee's desk,
[00:57.28]she braced herself.
[00:58.83]"I hoped I might be spared," she said.
[01:01.25]"Oh, you can't escape Marshall," our boss cautioned her.
[01:05.08]"He's an equal-opportunity annoyer."
[01:43.74]One Friday everyone in our office was in high spirits,
[01:51.76]and Marshall, a sales rep, was making the rounds,
[01:54.76]joking and teasing us all.
[02:01.55]When he stopped in front of a new employee's desk,
[02:04.29]she braced herself.
[02:05.53]"I hoped I might be spared," she said.
[02:15.72]"Oh, you can't escape Marshall," our boss cautioned her.
[02:19.06]"He's an equal-opportunity annoyer."
[02:35.35]spirit 幽灵、灵魂
[02:40.08]an evil spirit(一个恶灵)
[02:42.59]the holy spirit(圣灵)
[02:46.50]spirit 精神
[02:52.45]Though unable to join us today, they are with us in spirit.
[03:06.77]making the rounds
[03:08.13]round 圈子
[03:12.22]make a round / make the rounds 绕圈子,绕来绕去
[03:18.67]tease 捉弄,开玩笑
[03:28.17]If you always tease others like that,
[03:30.72]you'll forfeit the good opinion of your friends.
[03:42.95]spare 宽恕,豁免,免除
[03:50.99]spare the trouble of going
[03:57.41]he does not spare himself.
[04:07.23]One Friday everyone in our office was in high spirits,
[04:11.24]and Marshall, a sales rep, was making the rounds,
[04:14.28]joking and teasing us all.
[04:16.34]When he stopped in front of a new employee's desk,
[04:19.50]she braced herself.
[04:20.96]"I hoped I might be spared," she said.
[04:23.16]"Oh, you can't escape Marshall," our boss cautioned her.
[04:27.08]"He's an equal-opportunity annoyer."

一个周五,我们办公室的所有人都热情高涨, 销售代表Marshall在办公室内四处耍宝,逗我们高兴。 当他来到一个新员工的桌子前时,那位新员工是一副严阵以待的样子,说,“我希望我能免了”。


  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • teasingn. 戏弄
  • teasen. 揶揄者,戏弄 v. 欺负,嘲弄
  • forfeitn. 没收物,罚金,丧失 vt. 没收,丧失 adj.