听笑话学英语:Want to be a teacher想当老师
日期:2009-12-29 17:53


Want to be a teacher

[00:07.30]Listen and Share
[00:09.68]Want to be a teacher 想当老师
[00:25.04]senior 高三学生
[00:28.56]babble 不停地说
[00:31.78]life's calling 人生目标
[00:35.82]misspell 拼写错误
[00:41.13]When I was a high school senior,
[00:42.66]I saw an inspirational ad on TV about becoming a teacher.
[00:47.01]I called the number shown: 800-45TEACH.
[00:50.59]After a woman answered,
[00:51.97]I babbled on about how I thought I had found my life's calling
[00:55.06]and could she send me information.
[00:57.33]She asked what number I was calling.
[00:59.38]After I told her, there was a long pause.
[01:02.15]Then she said, "You misspelled teach."
[01:53.14]When I was a high school senior,
[01:55.63]I saw an inspirational ad on TV about becoming a teacher.
[02:07.96]I called the number shown: 800-45TEACH.
[02:17.93]After a woman answered,
[02:19.28]I babbled on about how I thought I had found my life's calling
[02:21.94]and could she send me information.
[02:35.50]She asked what number I was calling.
[02:39.54]After I told her, there was a long pause.
[02:46.82]Then she said, "You misspelled teach."
[03:20.95]His appointment is senior to mine by a year.
[03:32.34]Babies babble before they can talk.
[03:39.01]babble 口齿不清地说些蠢话
[03:49.94]life's calling 一种生命的目标
[04:02.93]mis + spell
[04:06.58]mis 出错
[04:10.46]mistake 错误
[04:12.50]misunderstand 误解
[04:14.99]spell 拼写
[04:17.49]misspell 拼写错误
[04:26.55]When I was a high school senior,
[04:27.89]I saw an inspirational ad on TV about becoming a teacher.
[04:32.07]I called the number shown: 800-45TEACH.
[04:35.76]After a woman answered,
[04:37.37]I babbled on about how I thought I had found my life's calling
[04:40.35]and could she send me information.
[04:42.80]She asked what number I was calling.
[04:44.77]After I told her, there was a long pause.
[04:47.54]Then she said, "You misspelled teach."


当我读高三(12年级)的时候,我看到一则关于成为教师的电视广告,大受启发。 我按电视显示的电话,80045teach 打了过去。当一个女人接电话时,我喋喋不休地给她讲了我如何感觉自己找到了人生的目标,问她是否可以给我寄相关的资料等等。 她问我打的是什么电话。在我告诉他之后,那边是一阵长久的沉默。然后,她说,“你把 teach 拼错了”。

  • misunderstandv. 误解,误会
  • senioradj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的 n. 年长
  • babblevi. 呀呀学语,喋喋不休 vi. 潺潺作声 n. 含糊