This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Annie Sneed.
(CLIP: Snapping shrimp sound)
Rice Krispies? Rain hitting a tin roof? Bacon frying? How about noisy creatures known as snapping shrimp.
Warm temperate and tropical coastal waters around the world are teeming with these noisy little creatures. They snap their claws so fast that they produce a bubble. When the bubble bursts, it makes a loud popping sound.
"It's this sort of persistent background noise, these snapping shrimp kind of crackling."
Aran Mooney, a marine biologist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
The shrimp produce the loud sound to stun prey. So how would this shrimp be affected by oceans getting warmer in coming years? To find out, Mooney and his colleague Ashlee Lillis analyzed audio recordings of the critters in their natural environment.
They also performed lab experiments with snapping shrimp collected from the wild, in water of varying temperatures. And they found that when water heats up, the shrimp start snapping more—and the water's soundscape gets louder. They shared their findings in February at the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020 in San Diego.
The researchers aren't sure what's causing this change in shrimp behavior—but they have an idea.
"We don't precisely know the mechanism of why they're snapping more often. What we think is that these guys are basically just ectothermic animals. So that means they're directly responding to environmental conditions around them. So basically, as you increase the water temperature, it increases their metabolic rate—they get more metabolically active, so they are able or trying to snap more."
If these shrimp do make the ocean noisier as the climate warms, it could be a problem for both marine creatures and humans. Many ocean animals use sound to communicate. And both the Navy and fishermen rely on marine acoustics to do their work.
"You know, we never really thought about how that ocean background noise or its own fog is sort of naturally increasing, in what we think is temperature driven or climate change driven. So as you raise those levels, it gets harder to kind of 'see' through that acoustic fog."
Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Annie Sneed.
这是咬脆米酥的声音?还是雨点打在锡皮屋顶上或煎培根的声音?也可以想象是手枪虾这种吵闹的生物发出的声音 。
全球暖温带和热带沿海水域中,到处都是这种吵闹的小生物 。它们开合虾钳的速度如此之快,以至于能产生气泡 。气泡破裂时,会发出响亮的爆裂声 。
“这种持续的背景噪音,就是这些手枪虾发出的噼啪声 。”
伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的海洋生物学家艾尔伦·穆尼说到 。
手枪虾发出巨响是为了击晕猎物 。那未来海洋变暖会对这种虾产生何种影响?为了找到答案,穆尼和同事阿什莉·里利斯分析了手枪虾在自然环境中的声音 。
他们还从野外收集了各种温度水域的手枪虾,用来进行实验室实验 。他们发现,水温升高后,手枪虾开合虾钳的频率就开始增加,水中声景也变得更加响亮 。去年2月,他们在圣地亚哥举行的2020年海洋科学大会上分享了他们的研究成果 。
研究人员并不确定导致手枪虾行为变化的原因,但他们有一种想法 。
“至于它们为何更频繁地开合虾钳,我们并不确切清楚其中的机制 。我们认为这些虾基本上只是外温动物 。因此,这意味着它们会对周围的环境情况作出直接反应 。因此,基本上来说,随着水温的升高,它们的新陈代谢速率加快,也就是说它们的新陈代谢变得更加活跃,因此它们能够或试图更频繁开合虾钳 。”
如果因为气候变暖,这些虾真的使海洋变得更吵,那这可能令海洋生物和人类都面临新的问题 。许多海洋动物用声音交流 。海军和渔民都依赖海洋声学来工作 。
“我们之前从未想过海洋背景噪音或声雾是正在自然增加,我们认为是温度驱动或气候变化造成的 。因此,这些水平的上升使我们更难透过声雾‘看’清 。”
谢谢大家收听科学美国人——60秒科学 。我是安妮·斯尼德 。
1. find out (尤指特意通过努力)发现,找出,查明;
She made it her business to find out who was responsible.
她一定要查清楚到底该谁负责 。
2. heat up 变热;
In the summer her mobile home he ats up like an oven.
夏天一到,她的活动住房就变得像烤炉一样热 。
3. respond to 应对;作出回应;作出反应;
The animals were conditioned to respond to auditory stimuli.
经过训练,那些动物对声音形成了条件反射 。
4. rely on 依赖;依靠;
These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.
现在,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作 。