Apple's efforts to improve your digital privacy have met with surprisingly strong resistance from companies and agencies that want your info.
苹果公司一直致力于改善电子产品的隐私,而此举则遭到了想获取你信息的公司及机构的强烈抵制 。
Seems that confidentiality hampers efforts to track buying habits—and bad guys.
想要追踪购买习惯的公司和坏家伙似乎对保密信息一直嗤之以鼻 。
The controversy revolves around what's called Apple Pay.
此番争论涉及到苹果最新的支付系统 。
By employing the newly released payment system, users of the latest i-devices can now buy things without flashing a credit or debit card.
通过使用这一新的支付系统,苹果的最新电子产品用户可以享受到不用刷卡就能购物的便利 。
Google's offered a similar digital wallet for years, but Apple's version will not collect transaction info or store card numbers on your device.
而谷歌类似的数字钱包已经有数年推广期,但是苹果的该版本不会收集你设备上的交易信息或卡号 。
Many retailers have bought in to Apple Pay.
It promises to be more secure than plastic, and companies such as Staples need all the help they can get when it comes to data security.
该系统承诺比信用卡和公司更为安全,比如就数据安全的问题史泰博公司就能得到所需的帮助 。
But other outfits, including retail giants Walmart and Best Buy, have rejected the Apple Pay technology because it prevents them from tracking customer-purchasing preferences.
但是包括零售业巨头沃尔玛和百思买集团在内的其他公司都对该系统不感冒,因为它阻碍了对于顾客购买喜好的跟踪调查 。
They're working on a rival smartphone payment app called CurrentC.
他们正致力于打造一款名为 CurrentC更具竞争力的智能手机支付应用程序 。
Meanwhile, law enforcement has demonized Apple over iOS 8, which pass code-protects photos and other info on the newest iPhones and iPads.
同时,执法机构也视苹果的iOS8操作系统非人性化 。因为该公司的加密系统保护最新款手机和平板电脑上的照片和其它信息 。
Apple doesn't store the pass codes, so it cannot turn them over even if there's a warrant.
而且苹果产品不保存口令,所以即使执法人员出具搜查令也无法交出用户信息 。
Google will offer similar device encryption in an upcoming version of Android.
谷歌会在未来的安卓版本中公布一款类似的加密程序 。
Apple exerted its will on the music and publishing industries.
而苹果公司在音乐和出版业界也发挥着自身的影响力 。
We'll see if the company has the clout to now move the needle on privacy.
至于苹果公司是否会在保护隐私方面大有一番作为,我们将拭目以待 。
1.card number 卡号
This generally results in your card number being phished.
这样通常的结果就是你的卡号被骗走了 。
Beware of phishing. Never purchase products or services by responding to an email. This generally results in your card number being phished.
谨防网络诈骗 。绝不通过电子邮件购买产品或服务 。这样通常的结果就是你的卡号被骗走了 。
2.work on 影响,对…起作用
The director worked on in the office until ten o'clock last night.
主任昨晚在办公室工作到十点 。
The nut has been worked on the spindle.
螺帽已经拧在轴心上了 。