The recent American Geophysical Union's annual meeting featured a talk that presented computer simulations of planetary futures if human activity continued on its present course. Such meetings are generally staid affairs. But the findings motivated this scientist to title his presentation "Is Earth F**ked?"
近期美国地球物理联合会召开了年度会议,会议主要围绕如果人类继续现在活动,计算机模拟的星球将呈现什么样的未来展开讨论 。这样的会议通常是比较严肃的事件 。但计算机模拟结果促使科学家将这次演示称为“Is Earth F**ked?” 。
Meanwhile, halfway around the globe in Doha, climate change negotiators continued to fiddle with treaty text as the planet gradually burns. While the negotiators may save the Kyoto Protocol to combat climate change as a stopgap until a new international treaty is negotiated in 2015, none of it is likely to be anywhere near enough.
与此同时,为控制气候变暖,在地球另一头的多哈,气候大会协商者们仍在继续摆弄着条约草稿 。作为权宜之计,协商者们可能会保留《京都议定书》的条款以对抗气候变化直至2015年达成新的国际性条约,但这些条约远远不能充分发挥作用 。
Emissions continue to rise ever faster, making it unlikely that average temperature increases will fall below 2 degrees Celsius, the avowed target. Instead, the world is on course for at least 4 degrees C of warming. Already, with slightly less than 1 degree C of warming, places like the Arctic have become unrecognizable.
公开宣布的目标是平均气温上升幅度低于2摄氏度,但温室气体排放速度仍持续上升,这使得这个目标成为天方夜谭 。相反,地球平均气温上升幅度至少为4摄氏度 。虽然平均气温上升幅度还不到一摄氏度,但北极这样的地区已经变得面目全非了 。
In other words, the predictions that scientists made way back in 1990 have been spot on as far as temperature changes go. Let's hope the present failure to take action against climate change doesn't make today's dire predictions hopelessly optimistic.
换句话说,早在1990年科学家们就预测了温度变化会怎样破坏环境 。让我们祈祷今日对付气候变暖的行动失败不会让今日的可怕预测变成事实 。