疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第84期: 哈佛毕业
日期:2016-08-04 11:47


疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕)

Turns out I can be pretty persuasive. Speaking of which... I got you a consultation with a lawyer.

我很有说服力啊 说到这个 我帮你联系了一名律师

Dream team. Harvard law. Got a few articles I could send her. The people versus Ryan Jerome, or the Brian D. Aitken's case.

高手 哈佛毕业的 我有些材料可以给她 莱恩杰.罗姆一案 还有布莱恩.艾肯一案

You know what, Malcolm? I think you'd make a good lawyer. I was thinking about being a cop.

知道吗 马尔科姆 我觉得你能成为一名好律师 我还想当警察呢

Is that right? Like you, but I'd shoot less people. Wanna be the man, gotta have a plan.

真的吗 就像你 不过我会少突突人 当男子汉 得有计划

As a friendly reminder, all passengers, please stand behind the yellow line. This seat taken?

友情提醒 请乘客们站在黄色安全线后候车 这里有人坐吗

It's a free world. At least it used to be. Something troubling you, Harold?

这是个自由的世界 至少曾经是 有心事吗 哈罗德

The last time we met, you asked me a question. And you lied. I'm afraid the truth would put you in grave danger.

上次见面时 你问了我个问题 而你撒谎了 我怕真相会陷你于致命危险

I didn't know you cared, Harold. I've been in danger before. No, this is something altogether different.

原来你这么关心我 哈罗德 我经常有致命危险 不 这次完全不同

All I can say is, you are right. The world has changed. I suppose there's no going back.

我只能说 你说对了 这世界已经改变 看来是回不去了

Which brings me to the reason I came. A hint, Harold? Advice for these troubled times.

所以我来找你 《隐身人》 赫.乔.威尔斯 暗示吗 哈罗德

And a little thank you. It's the location of the Brotherhood's stash house as of five hours ago. No doubt, the drugs have been relocated by now.

多事之秋的一点建议 还有一点答谢礼 兄弟会的藏货地址 至少五小时前是

But I know how dedicated you are to studying your adversaries. I suppose you'll want to know if I identify this Dominic. I suppose.

当然 毒品现在肯定已经转移了 不过我知道你热衷于研究对手 我想 等我查出多米尼克的身份 你希望知道
