疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第67期:医疗经验
日期:2016-07-12 17:31


The children have proven more resourceful than expected. But their antics have raised more than a few eyebrows. At this rate, it won't be long

这俩孩子比想象中聪明得多 但他们吸引太多注意了 这么发展下去 用不了多久

before the Brotherhood catches up with them. Not to mention the Armenians. Perhaps you should enlist the help of the DEA.

兄弟会就会找到他们了 还有亚美尼亚人 也许你该找缉毒局帮帮忙

I already told Agent Lennox about Malcolm and Tracie. There's a B.O.L.O. out for the kids now. I shudder to think what will happen if the gangs find them before we do.

我告诉伦诺克斯特工马尔科姆和特蕾西的事了 已经发布了对俩孩子的协查通报 要是黑帮比我们先找到他们 后果不堪设想

So let's beat the perps to the punch. Stop them first. What exactly do you have in mind?

那咱们就先下手为强 阻止他们 你有何计划

Got a little job for Shaw. It requires some medical experience. And I think it's time you caught up with an old friend.

给肖找了件活儿干 需要医疗经验的活儿 而你该去见见老朋友了

Hello, Harold. I must confess, I've missed our little chess matches. Where have you been keeping yourself?

你好 哈罗德 我得承认 我很怀念和你对弈 你最近忙什么呢

Guess you could say that I've decided to go back to school. I imagine you'd fit in rather well in academia. And yet, here you are.

这么说吧 我决定重返校园了 我想你在学术界定能如鱼得水 可你却跑来这儿了

Please, I've heard about the missing drug money. and the little thieves who stole it.

得了 我听说了那笔失踪的毒资 被几个小贼偷了

John's trying to get the children to safety but he needs time. And you want me to play mediator again?

约翰正在努力保护孩子的安全 但是他需要时间 你又要我出面调解

We would be in your debt. You already are. I can control the Armenians.

算我们欠你 你们已经欠了 我可以控制亚美尼亚人

But you'll have to deal with the Brotherhood yourself. John seemed to think that you've tried to contact their leader. Dominic, he's proven to be elusive.

不过兄弟会你们得自己解决 约翰认为你曾试图联系过他们的老大 多米尼克 他实在神出鬼没

Perhaps even more elusive than you, Harold. I'm just a man on a subway train. A humble teacher?

也许比你还神出鬼没 哈罗德 我只是个搭地铁的 不起眼的老师

I played that role once myself. And John's a detective now. I'm curious, why the sudden career shift?

这角色我扮演过 而约翰现在是警探了 我很好奇 为什么突然转换身份
