疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第68期:风度
日期:2016-07-13 17:31


Something has changed. Something fundamental. And I'm not just referring

有什么事变了 彻底改变了 我说的不是

to how you and your friends operate. I think you know what's happening. And I think you owe it to me to tell me the truth.

你和你朋友的行动方式 我觉得你知道发生了什么 我觉得你欠我的 应该告诉我真相

Times may have changed, but I'm afraid we're both in the dark. This is Wall Street.

时代虽然变了 但恐怕你我仍在黑暗中 华尔街站到了

Next stop is Fulton Street. Stand clear of the closing doors. You volunteered us for a septuple homicide?

下一站富尔顿街 请不要站在关闭的车门前 你主动申请了个七杀案

Septuple as in seven? You're the one who told me to take this job seriously. Be hands on, remember?

七条人命 是你要我好好干活儿的 要努力工作 记得吗

Yeah, then you can get your "hands on" some of this paperwork. Where are your manners? Can't you see that Agent Lennox is waiting for me?

记得 那你努力搞好文件工作吧 注意风度啊 你没看到伦洛克斯特工在等我吗

She's not the only one looking for you. Your friend, Link, the Brotherhood lieutenant you arrested-- released from the joint ten minutes ago.

要找你的可不光是她 你那朋友 林克 你逮捕的那名兄弟会副手 详见S04E01 十分钟前被放出来了

Brotherhood found an underage corner boy to take the fall for him. Kid confessed everything. Link's getting off with a misdemeanor charge.

兄弟会找了个未成年的混混替他背了黑锅 那孩子把罪都认了 林克只受到轻罪指控

"Accessory after the fact." I'll deal with him later. Not if he deals with you first.

"事后从犯" 我稍后再对付他 搞不好他会先对付你

Got a minute, Detective? Trust is a funny thing, Riley. I did a little digging on you.

有空吗 警探 "信任"这玩意儿真有意思 莱利 我稍微调查了你一下

Couldn't find much before your stint in Narco. You know, you don't strike me as a homicide detective. Maybe you're not looking hard enough.

你在当缉毒警之前没什么资料 我觉得 你不像个凶案警探 也许是你查得不够努力

Surprising, given someone of your experience. You graduated from Annapolis, top of your class. Served two tours, with distinction, for the U.S. Navy

鉴于你的经历 这点还真叫人意外 你毕业于安纳波利斯海军学院 班级第一 在美国海军服役两期 表现优异

before joining the DEA. Yeah, I did a little digging too. So you just gonna stand there and interrogate me?

之后加入了缉毒局 没错 我也做了点调查 你是打算站在那儿审问我
