疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第81期:顶罪
日期:2016-08-01 11:20


疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕)

Take a fall for you, whatever. Just leave my sister be. Get him.

给你顶罪 什么都行 放过我妹妹 让他上来

I hope you said your good-byes. I think you're forgetting something. Do you want your money?

希望你告过别了 我想你忘了点东西 要钱吗

You deal with me. We'll be catching up real soon. I was just trying to make it right.

跟我交易 我们回头再聊 我只想纠正错误

You can't make something right by doing something wrong. I give you my word. Go, you take care of your sister.

不能用错误去纠正错误 我向你保证过 走 照顾好你妹妹

You done, Detective? We got a lot of catching up to do. Hell of a night for a drive.

说完了 警探 咱们得好好叙叙旧 长夜漫漫啊

He's clean. We have got to stop meeting like this. Turn around nice and slow.

没问题 咱别每次见面都这样啊 慢慢转过身来
