疑犯追踪第4季 (MP3+中英字幕) 第64期:坏消息
日期:2016-07-06 17:31


Tracie Booker, eight years old. We received her number along with that of her 14-year-old brother, Malcolm.

特蕾西.布克 八岁 她的号码 和她十四岁的哥哥马尔科姆的号码同时跳出

Here, check your phone. Could be dealing with a domestic issue. Have you located their mom?

发了 看你手机 可能是家庭问题 找到他们妈妈了吗

1412 Hazen Street, Rikers Island. I'm afraid their mother's in prison on a weapons violation.

哈森大街1412号 里克岛 恐怕他们的母亲在监狱里 罪名是非法持械

The father's deceased and I have yet to locate any relatives. So they're in the system. Foster children.

父亲已故 没发现任何亲属 那他们都在政府系统中了 寄养儿童

It seems that school is the one constant in their lives. Not today. There's no sign of Tracie anywhere.

似乎他们的生活中 那所学校是唯一不变的 今天就变了 到处看不到特蕾西

Perhaps a fellow student knows where she is? No one's gonna get caught dead talking to a cop, not in this neighborhood.

也许她的同学会知道她在哪里 没有人肯跟警察开口的 在这一片不可能

Funny, I didn't have any problems getting Malcolm's friends to talk. Although, one of them did ask me for my number.

有意思了 我可是轻而易举 就让马尔科姆的朋友开口了 当然了 他们是有人问我要号码来着

Have you located Malcolm, Ms. Shaw? Negative. He didn't show for school today.

你找到马尔科姆了吗 肖女士 没有 他今天没上学

Looks like you're gonna have to work your magic after all, John. Excuse me, have any of you seen Tracie Booker today?

看来你不得不施展魅力了 约翰 打扰一下 你们今天看到特蕾西.布克了吗

5-0. Let's go, girls. Wait... All right, I'll play you for it.

条子 我们走吧 姑娘们 等等 好吧 我陪你们玩这个

Hopscotch. Don't go hurting yourself, old man. Want us to drop a dime?

跳房子 别闪了你的老腰 想要我们透信儿

It's gonna cost ya. Good news, Harold, I got a lead. Bad news, I need more petty cash.

给点钱钱啦 好消息 哈罗德 我有线索了 坏消息 我得多要点小额备用金

Need I remind you, Mr. Reese, that our recent deposit has to last for a very long time. Where are you?

我得提醒你 里瑟先生 我们现在的存款 必须撑好长一段时间啊 你在哪儿

Malcolm walks Tracie to school every morning. I'm retracing their route. The children go to separate schools across town from each other.

马尔科姆每天早上送特蕾西上学 我在沿着他们的路线走 俩孩子上不同的学校 分别在城市的两头
