日期:2012-04-17 11:50



Inquiry of departure 出境问询

A:Professor, May I ask you a question? 教授,我能问您一个问题吗?
B:Sure, what is it about? 当然可以,是关于什么的?
A:My friend Tony has just finished his formality of entry into Singapore; he will be staying there for maybe a week or so to go on sightseeing there. Now he is worrying about his departure from there because he has no idea about the departure formalities. You know it very well professor, don't you? 我有个朋友托尼刚刚办好了去新加坡的入境手续,他要在新加坡待一个星期左右的时间去观光旅行。现在他担心的问题是到时候他何时离开新加坡,因为他对出境手续不太了解。教授您非常了解,对吧?
B:Well, I can tell you something about it, but I am afraid what I am going to say is just the general situation, since every country has its own way to deal with the problem.嗯,我可以给你讲一讲,但是恐怕我说的也都是一些大体情况,因为各个国家对于外国人处境都有自己不同的规定。
A:OK, I've got it. 好的,我明白。
B:Generally speaking, foreigners are allowed depature as long as the departure regulations and restrictions of the host country are satisfied. There is no reason for the host country to detain a foreigner. So tell your friend not to worry too much. It is easier to leave than to enter, what do you think? 通常来讲,外国人出境,只要符合所在国有关出境的规定,就应被允许出境。所在国没有理由无缘无故扣押一个外国人,所以转告你的朋友不要过于担心,出境比入境要容易,你说对不对?
A:Yes, I guess so. 我想是这样的。
B:But tell your friend to remember one point, that is almost all countries have such rules that foreigners can not leave the country until they do not have unsettled judicial cases, debts, unpaid duties, besides they must go through departure formalities before they leave. 但是请告诉你的朋友一定要记住一点,那就是各国法律一般都规定,外国人处境前,必须无未了结的司法案件或债务,无未纳的税务,并办理了处境手续。
A:OK, I will. 好的,我会转告他的。
B:Oh, I forgot a very important point, if the host country finds that the foreigner threatens the country as well as the people, the host country has rights to ask them to leave, or expel them for the sake of public order or safety. But the host country would not abuse this right. 啊,我忘了很重要的一点。假如所在国发现有威胁到国家和人民安全的外国人,所在国有权限令外国人离境,或将其驱逐出境。不过,国家不会滥用这种权利。
A:OK, thank you very much, professor. I will tell him what you said. 好的,非常感谢您,教授。我会转告他您所说的话。


1.for the sake of 这个词组在口语里的使用频率很高,它的意思是“为了,为了……的利益,为了……起见”

Men exist for the sake of one another.

We all remained for the sake of keeping a house.

Are newspapers today published only for the sake of the news?

2.deal with 处理;涉及;做生意

She makes a deal with him.

But there are also threats from below to deal with.

But people can learn with ways to deal with their disorders.

3.as long as 只要;和……一样长

As long as it gives me pleasure, it is my hobby.

What difference does it make as long as we live?

Yes, as long as the prospectus correctly reflects the dangers.

  • detainvt. 扣留,拘押,耽搁
  • inquiryn. 打听,询问,调查,查问 =enquiry(英)
  • entryn. 进入,入口,登记,条目
  • formalityn. 礼节,程序,拘谨
  • expelvt. 驱逐,逐出,开除
  • departuren. 离开,出发,分歧
  • unsettledadj. 未处理的,未决定的
  • abusen. 滥用,恶习 vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待